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Private Message added 10-10-2009

Private Message added 09-10-2009

Namejuliana casboult
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageCongratulations on a fantastic effort.I will follow your blog daily good luck Juliana

NameCharles of Country SA
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageGood on you OOW, lot of work to put all this together, but you have done a quite comprehensive job.

Hopefully, all this effort plays its part and we can rid ourselves of this pernicious AGW scam before it able to be implemented.

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MessageHello! Base klooper in place of my english jer, buti particular nice re say gJ$)Kd!!!.

NameClimate Observer
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagesmilie Just a quick note to all the readers of my blog to say thankyou for sticking with it and pushing the hit counter over the 2000 mark as of today. Your patronage is appreciated.

NameClimate Observer
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagesmilie Thank you to Hank and Tez for those kind words.

Tez, I would like nothing more than to stop our government from going down the ETS path, I think there is a certain amount of inevitability to it at this point in time given the current political situation in Australia.

As Dr. Jennifer Marohasy wrote below we can only do our small parts in the larger scheme of things. Mine was creating this blog. Yours perhaps might be to encourage your friends and family to visit blogs such as mine and the ones I have listed in my Blog List. So as to gain an appreciation of all sides to the argument before they make up their minds. Then and only then will we have an informed debate in this country and a correct decision be made.

We simply cannot leave it to our media or our politicians to do this for us, as for the most part they have shown themselves to be seriously wanton.

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MessageGreat Blog - well researched. If you can do anything to stop our power crazy PM getting his fool legislation through I will take my hat off to you. smilie

NameHank Price
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageVery good resource! I have made it one of my favorites and I intend to use it often.

Thank you for all your hard work, you're appreciated! smilie

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MessageI blame the ****** *******.... Arf Arf... smilie

Sorry mate - I couldn't help meself.... smilie

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