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NameJim Shavalian
DateDec 20,2016
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHello. Do you have any puppies available?

Private Message added Nov 29,2015

NameLisa Crosby, M.Ed.
DateJul 5,2015
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageWe are enjoying Benson, one of Mia and Ford's November 2014 litter, so much, that I must write to share our gratitude. Benson is our 7th Samoyed in our 30 year run of owning this breed. He joins Baxter, our 7 year old Sammy in our family.

His calm temperament and overall quality of the breed is very evident. He is a wonderful family pet and educational service dog.

Thank you for your commitment to the Samoyed breed. It is very much appreciated.


NamePatricia Lynne & Robin Camp
DateOct 19,2013
Locationclick picture for more information
We are keeping our fingers crossed for your new litter in November. I know we are on your list and you will let us know. Just anxious. We are still in British Columbia but are leaving on Oct. 25th, driving to Oregon and California. We should get to our home in Maricopa, AZ, in early to mid November. Our cell number, which will be with us is 520-252-1654. Our e-mail travels with us, as well. Anyway, we look forward to meeting with you if all goes will.
Robin and Lynne Camp
19 Darby Cres, PO Box 865, Elkford, BC V0B 1H0
43226 W Snow Dr., Maricopa, AZ 85138
Canada Home - 250-865-2160
US Home - 520-350-1197
Cell - 520-252-1654 (works in North America)

NameThomas Fargo
DateSep 26,2013
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageThank you very much for your loving gift to help Miss Ivy. We can't tell you how much it helped and how much we appreciated it. It made all the difference. Love, Tom, Ivy (and Kodah) ??? Sorry we were so late getting the Thank You Notes out but with all that has gone on here its been hard

Love Miss Ivy and Tom

NameJoan Bidle
DateMar 1,2013
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageA year or so back i contacted you regarding adopting one of your samoyeds. Shortly after contacting you we decided to wait as during that short time one of our older Elkhounds developed cancer.
It was an extremely difficult time for all of us. I work for TSA at Sky Harbor International airport in Phoenix Arizona and have had the pleasure of meeting Sarge a few times. What a spectacular dog. Each time I see him it reminds me how much I would like to adopt and raise a samoyed. This is the reason for my email and the reason I asked for your email. I was advised there may be puppies in the future and if so i would be extremely interested. I believe I told you my daughter and family live in Temecula and know the area very well, My name is Joni Bidle. My husband Jim and I live in Phoenix My home phone 602-995-5260 and my cell 602-721-8274. Again, if there is
any chance for us to adopt I would be extremely grateful. Thank you for your time. Joni Bidle 3/1/13

DateNov 27,2012
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi there,
I just want to express how much I admire your dogs.
You have beautiful dogs and I really like that you have their stories.

NameWilliam and Silvia
DateJul 18,2012
Locationclick picture for more information
We live in Temecula and are interested in a Samoyed. Do you have any puppies or up coming litters. Could you also tell me the cost of a puppy. Thank you phone 951 237-5842

NameBarb Cole
DateJun 7,2012
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Claire,
I love your site! Funny, I was just looking at it for the first time the other day, and I finally got my e-mail SORT OF working, and saw that you had written me. (I still can't mail you regularly for a short time, but I can recieve mail.. :o[ .)
At the shows this weekend, I saw your photos of Sarge. They aer terrific, and he is such a nice dog. All of your dogs clearly have a great home, too, from viewing your site, and how they are obviously furry members of your family.
Anyway, yes, it IS me, that has Nike's sister.
Her name is Tia, and she is everything I could have ever wanted.
I have only recently been able to show her, and the shows aren't very prolific here. I hope to breed her soon, and I miss having puppies SO much!
Your puppies look SO cute, and the video's are so typical of them playing. It looks like a great litter you had.
Well, I'll write normally as soon as the computer gets totally fixed by Dell, (hopefully tomorrow).
Nike and Tia sure act a lot alike, from your video's! Tia absolutely LOVES little girls! I never met Ann Cozzi, but I wonder if she has little girls around! I know she did a GREAT job with raising this litter!
Anyway, again, REALLY enjoyed your site!
TTYL, Barb Cole smilie

Private Message added Apr 22,2012

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