
  (Please note:  this guestbook is NOT the Petition)

Please respect the Neilsen Family with no foul or offensive language.
This guestbook is a place to give dedication to Peanut & the Neilsen family.

Please leave a tribute to Peanut

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NameKaren Neilsen
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MessageHi All
Just a quick update we are so over the moon just wanting to share. The RSPCA has just contacted us and they want to use Nutsy as their Mascot on all of their calenders from now on.. This years stating they got the 3 years. So just letting you all know that his little voice is being heard loud and proud. Thank you all so much for everything.

Karen & Danielle Neilsen smilie

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MessageRest in peace little Peanut. There is no pain for you now.

Your death has touched many and brought a spotlight to the much needed cause for the protection of animals everywhere.

Because of you I and many others are more determined to make a difference, to cry out that we will not tolerate cruelty to animals!

I am so sorry that you suffered - but know that your suffering has given a voice to animal rights everywhere

NameRebekah Holliday
MessageOh dear God, I am sitting here with tears streaming down my face, shaking my head, my heart aching with pain.

Peanut, at least no one can ever hurt you again.

I can't say anything else, I'm too upset.

Rest In Peace.

Namegrace sadangsal
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MessageMy heart is in pain right now after reading about what happened to peanut. I was shocked!!! I just don't understand how they can do these things...killing animals in such inhumane way!!! GOD IS SO GOOD!!! GOD LOVES HIS CREATURES!!! I'M SO SURE THAT PEANUT IS SAFE NOW...HAPPY AND FULL OF JOY!!! AND WHEN THE RIGHT TIME COMES...I AM PRETTY SURE...YOU'LL SEE PEANUT WAITING FOR YOU GUYS WITH THE BIG BIG SMILE ON HIS FACE!!! MY PRAYERS ARE WITH PEANUT AND FOR THE NEILSEN FAMILY....GOD BLESS YOU.....

NameDebra Baghdady
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MessageMy heart goes out to Peanut's family.I have 4 cats and a dog . They add so much l;ove to our home.

NameCori R.
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MessageI am heartbroken to read of this tragedy. I cried while reading the article about this horrific event. I give my love and compassion to your family. I have two little dogs of my own, and I can certainly sympathize with your feelings. I know that Peanut is in a better place, running free and playing. The sting from a tragedy like this will last a long time. It is my prayer that you find peace in time. I hope that the wonderful memories you had with Peanut will last forever and bring you joy and smiles. God bless your family and Peanut always!!!

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI am so sorry for what has happened to Peanut and to you, his family. Losing an angel like that is never easy, but the horrific circumstances surrounding his death make it so much more difficult to accept. But he is in a better place now. And, hopefully, in time, you will be in a better place emotionally and spiritually. May you find comfort in the happy memories, and in the knowledge that there are many people who care. Godspeed.

NameLouise Black
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MessageThe story of what happened to Peanut has devastated me. I cannot begin to know how his owners must be feeling. Id personally want revenge, but I know thats not legal. Id kill anyone who harmed any of my 7 dogs, regardless of the consequence. Id do it, then calmly walk to the nearest Police station and hand myself in....

Namecaitlyn James - de Hennin
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagei luv this site.... i just hate hearing about animal cruelty and even though im 12 i really want to do something about it smilie i dont hav any bright ideas smilie but i would like to be part of stopping animal cruelty.... yeh smilie and if you could hear me i would give you guys a clap smilie thankyou for doing everything you have smilie

from Caitlyn

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MessageRun free Peanut - you will never be forgotten.

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