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NameWillie Phelps
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MessageJeff was/is a wonderful person and he will truly be missed although I changed jobs in July we remained friends if there is ANYTHING I can do please let me know.

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Messagejust had 165 days of fletch.. yay!

NameLaura Elliott
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MessageIt truly is amazing how we can watch, follow,and document how Fletch changes and grows from the day he arrived! Such a treasure to have. Thank you for sharing with us all.

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I found your blog via babycenter and its super cute. I was reading how you thought it would be a girl because of the chinese gender chart and I just cant wait to find out what I am having..I have months to go! smilie

Congrats on everything going smoothly!

NameKathy Sumner
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MessageI am a friend and coworker of Gloria's. The baby is so cute and I cant believe how big he is.smilie

NameAmanda Skoumbourdis
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MessageHi Jenn,

Big congrats to you and your husband on the birth of your gorgeous son! I really love the name- very unique. Not only did you deliver a bit early, he's quite average in size (Thank goodness for that!) I hope all is well post delivery for you and Fletcher. I'm looking forward to reading up on life with baby.

(from PeerTrainer!)

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Messagecongratulations baby shock! u are going to have awesome parents!!! smilie i can't wait to see u! smilie

Namechris shock
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Messageshock jr. is the coolest shock yet!!

Namegrandma gloria and grandpa neil
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MessageWe are thrilled about the impending first grandchild. I am betting it is a girl because we are now due another little girl in the family.

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MessageI am so excited for you guys! I can't wait to see this little person!Just promise no crazy bows, if it's a girl! smilie

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