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NameFred Short
Locationclick picture for more information
Years Served6
Regt/Sqn (s)c sqn RARDE
email addresslcpl
MessageMick Cannon you old bugger, go onto 'Tankies on the net, like to hear from you.' You'll find me there with my E mail address, write me its been too long. Sorry to read about Shelley I never knew.

NameOlad Sevilla
Locationclick picture for more information
Years Served2
Messagehi to all Mikes friends. I work with Mike in Saudia Arabia

NameMichael Cannon
Locationclick picture for more information
Years Served76-93
MessageHi Foxy,

I dont know about the others you mentioned but Pete Sheldrake was killed in a motorcycle accident a fews years ago I believe.

NameGary (Foxy) Fox
Locationclick picture for more information
Years Served10. '78 - '88
Regt/Sqn (s)C - A - recce.
MessageI am now living in Wilts.
Haven't really thought about 3RTR for nearly 20 years. But finding this site brought back many memories. I found my photo album, with photos of some legends from my time. I would love to know what happened to some of the funniest people I ever met -
Burt Hammond. Pete Sheldrake. Colin Kerr. Sprout? Chips Cole. Elvis White. Steve Cousins. Nettley? Martin Dodds. Duke. Odd. Spider Webb are some names that spring to mind.
A great site Will.

Namekarl claydon
Locationclick picture for more information
Years Served13
Regt/Sqn (s)c,mt, atdu
MessageGreat Site did not realise how much time has passed

NameMichael Cannon
Locationclick picture for more information
Years Served76-93
Regt/Sqn (s)C Sqn
MessageA great website. Thank you Will. Spent hours looking at the photo's, a real trip down memory lane. Great times. I look forward to contibuting. Hi to Mick Ripton, Fred Short, Ian Jones, Chunky Ainsworth, Cris Lock, Glenn Dymond, Scouse Curran, Dave Armitage, Pete Davis, J.K., Gino Taskis, Dave Lomax, Kenny Spur, Mal Cleverly and Bert Hammond. My god, what memories these names bring back. Sad to see that "Rabbit" had RIP after his name, great guy. Anyway, would love to hear from anyone who has the time to drop me a line. A long way from home. All the best for 2010 to everyone. Fear Nought

NameClive Newman
Years Served22years
Regt/Sqn (s)3RTR B Sqn HQ Sqn
email addressCorporal
MessageWishing all a very happy new year 2010. May the sun always be on your face and the wind at your back. Great site Mike congratulations on its compilation. Your ex next door neighbours in Summern the Hemer years. The Snozs.

NameRob (dogs body) Lander
Locationclick picture for more information
Years Served2 yrs JLR 3 years regiment 71-76
Regt/Sqn (s)A sqn
email addressTpr
MessageHi to any one who remembers me from Fallingbostle

NameGuy (Sprout) Collis
Locationclick picture for more information
Years Served10yrs
Regt/Sqn (s)A, Recce, A, Y, A
email addressCpl
MessageJust a quick one to say "Happy Crimbo" to all and a happy + safe new year..Right thats it..Im off to prod a few patients

NameFred Short
Locationclick picture for more information
Years Served1979-1985
Regt/Sqn (s)C SQN
email addressL/CPL
MessageGreat to see so many of us still alive and kicking, keep remembering those sunny days on Soltau boys HAHA.

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