The United States Navy Radioman Association Guestbook

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NameRMCS(AW) Cruz F. Bustillos
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MessageHowdy to all RMs and CT's out there. There was/is a communicators association some where, thought it was in San Diego, Ca. Have not heard about it in the past few years. Anyone with info let me know.

Namecharles muse
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Messageserved at NRST Barrigada,guam 1963-1964. Would like to hear from anyone who served with me. worked at Bldg 51. have looked for years for David Rodriquez who was from fresno, calif also chuck dotson who was from san Pedro, calif. see me an email before I am too old to read it

NameBill Hughes
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MessageJust saying hi to all the radiomen out there. Bill Hughes 1968-1992.

NameJohn Lemburg
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MessageI was an RM2 on USS Ticonderoga CVA14 from 1962 until Jan 1966. Would be happy to share stories. After the NAVY I got my BSEE from Univ Texas at Arlington in 1972. Designed and developed a lot of communications systems. Happy memories of my Navy Days for sure.

NameChris Butler
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MessageFNMOC Monterey 1996 - 1999
USS STETHEM (DDG-63) 1999 - 2002
ATGPAC 2003 - 2006
USS SHILOH (CG-67) 2006

NameDoug Janelle RM2 / CTR1
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MessageJun58 Boot Camp San Diego
Sep58 USS St Paul (CA73) SA
Apr59 USS Brush (DD745) SN
Ma60 RM-A school San Diego
Dec60 Comm Center NAS Quonset Point RI (RM3)
Dec62 USS Saratoga (CVA60) RM3
Mar63 Crypto Repair School Portsmouth VA
May63 USS Shangri La (CVA38) RM2
Nov66 Discharge NSY Philadelphia
Joined Naval Reserve - cross rated to Cryptologic Tech
Retired 1987 CTR1

Nameronald (Marty) martinez Rm2
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Message11-5-1960-4-2-1962 Uss King DLG-10
4-18-1962-11-2-1962 RmA school San Diego
1-15-1962 12-23-1964 navcommsta norfolk va
1-15-1965 Uss Lexington cvs16 Pensacola fla
9-1-1965 Uss essex cvs9 R.I.

3-10-1966-3-1-1968 aircrewman vp-49 pax river, md.
would like to hear from old shipmates, tks Marty smilie

Nameronald (Marty) martinez Rm2
Locationclick picture for more information
Message11-5-1960-4-2-1962 Uss King DLG-10
4-18-1962 2-11-1962 RmA school San Diego
1-15-1962 12-23-1964 navcommsta norfolk va
1-15-1965 Uss Lexington cvs16 Pensacola fla
9-1-1965 Uss essex cvs9 R.I.

3-10-1966-3-1-1968 aircrewman vp-49 pax river, md.
would like to hear from old shipmates, tks Marty smilie

NameFrank A. Gonzales RM3
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MessageDoes any one remember what: ZBM1 ZBM2 is a code for what? I use to send this out in 1965, while I was net controller, aboard the flagship, USS Franklin D. Roosevelt, CVA-42. Especially for RM's on the 6's Alfa network, on a 1965 Med. Cruise! Working 8 on, 8 off around the clock was hell. Had to work this schedule for over 40 days straight with no air. Use to get over 100 degrees in our packed quarters! Remember CR division? I hated to send out weather reports, always 2-3 pages long. I always got a IMI BT to BR!! Just to bust my balls! Did get even once on liberty, caught an RM who was on duty once. After verifying he was in duty the same time, earlier, I dropped him like a bad habit! Later got a Captain's Mast for breaking his jaw. Captain asked me to join the boxing team. We had a "smoker" coming up for the 6th Fleet Championship....we won later too! This was 1965.
Hated ship (aircraft) life! Always after showering, came out smelling like JP5 fuel. Remember? Chow lines always had a 45 minute wait, no matter what time you went for chow (everything was always powered!!). A fringe benefit was a carton of cigarettes only cost one dollar, ten cents a pack.
I was lucky to get off that ship and into the Naval Air Navy, VP-49! Turned out to be fantastic duty. Flying in P3A's chasing Russian subs all over the world.

NameFrank A. Gonzales RM3
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MessageThis is my 2nd write up!!
Went to Great Lakes Boot Camp June 1964
RM "A" School, Bainbridge, Md. Class 6-65, graduating March
1965 @ only 18 wpm, the minimum.
Aboard USS Franklin D. Roosevelt, CVA-42
CE Div. March 1965-Jan. 1966, as CW operator, 6's
Alfa during Med Cruise. Forgot....tried out during RM A
School, for. Navy UDT School (Later Seals) Did not qualify,
needless to say. Twice volunteered for PBR Duty,
"Brown water " Navy, twice turndown. ( a good thing) probably
wouldn't be here, today). Participated in Navy first class of
black shoe RM's, off ships to fly in P3A aircraft,
chasing Russian Submarines all over the world!!
Great duty!! I should have stayed in the Navy. Best years of my life!! Anyone who was receiving morse code from me was
hearing at least 30-35 wpm, from a speed key operator!j
Still can send/receive 15-20 wpm, 44 years later.
I was discharged in May 1968, after accumulating over 1600 hours ad flight communicator with VP-49, out of Pax (Patuxent River) Maryland. I want to hear from anyone who served,
either on The Roosy or with VP-49 !! My email address is [email protected]. I live in the Atlanta, Georgia area!

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