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NameGenerell snik
Whoops, my fault smilie Samma det, oversettelser sucks uansett smilie

MessageHey! What a great website! It gave me much more information about your characters and the entire world. Can't wait to dive into the next chapter!! Good luck with everything you do!


Locationclick picture for more information
MessageSo, I just realized I hadn't yet signed your guestbook. Shocking, no?

So here I am, equipped with nothing but my own randomness to provide you with a proper guestbook entry. With that said, beware of any aimless ramblings that may appear, made all the more likely by the fact that a) I'm bored, and b) I'm in a somewhat hyper state at the moment.

Verd = Absolutely Awesome. (Note usage of capitol letters.) Seriously, you've got some mad skills when it comes to creating a world. Not only that, but you've already gotten a good portion of your plot figured out! See, cultures are all fine and good with me, but when it comes to plots, I'm clueless. There's a hoard of characters to manage, an overly-abundant supply of ideas, and far too little time to sort them all out! smilie In case it isn't obvious (it should be), you have my utmost awe and respect.

I haven't seen you on WS in awhile. (Four days! *gasp* I should send out a search party or something! smilie) It seems as though nobody's really interested in RPing these days...and at the same time, there are more opportunities to RP than there have been in awhile. Meh, now I'm making no sense.

Speaking of WS, I'm considering adding a section for guest articles. Would you be interested in writing about something? I don't know if the plan will be carried out or not, just wanted to toss the idea out there.

According to Ultraguest, I've already used up most of my entry space. smilie Gotta wrap it up now! *poofs*

MessageThe content of this website is rather spectacular! ^^ Especially the map of Vard. That was a very nice touch, and it shows you have creativity!
