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Private Message added 2008-09-08

Namepiedad eneida folgar
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagehola que tal soy la esposa del que le iso un mueble en su cosina a qui en guatemala y su hermamana bino a qui con migo pra embiarle unos videos pero selos embiare en su correo electronico felicitasione por su book y espero que lo logre ver en espaƱol saludos de a qui de guatemala.

NameTheresa Mowat
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI received this book from my friend Linda Burns who had it signed by you which is very special . I now have read book and I was totally caught up in your life story. I will always remember your courage and it will be an inspiration to me when life seems a bit tough.
Thank you

NameAvid fan
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageWay to go, Gaby. What a book. Wishing you all the best.

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