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MessageWay to go Gina !!!! You are amazing !! I just read the latest up-date. We are all praying for you.. What a wonderful independence day for you !! God Bless you honey. XOXOXOX Love ya, joni

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MessageGina, i'm so happy for you. You are an amazing spirit, an amazing fight and an amazing friend.
Can't wait till we all hear from you. Till then....hugs to you smilie


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MessageYou are in my thoughts & I am offering up prayers to the powers that be. Keep fighting, you have more life you need to live!

NameRyan 'Mini' Morgan
MessageHello. Ive never met or talked to you, but my friend Em told me you got your new lungs today and that made my day. So I thought I would stop by and drop a couple of "congratulations" and a hardy good luck while Im at it. So congratulations and a hardy good luck to you. May all you breathes be full of 78.09% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, .93% argon, and .03% carbon and 0% puss. smilie

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MessageFight on, little girl! Heal well!

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MessageI'm praying for you here in San Antonio, Texas. You are so strong and you've fought so long and hard to reach this moment. Miracles do happen.

NameDebbie H
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MessageI can only hope that you make it one day at a time. Your courage has shown to be tremendous. My prayers are for you and for continues strength to get through this ordeal. You will make it. smilie

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MessageGina!!! I am absolutely speechless.... You are an amazing fighter and now you have your LUNGS!!! I have everyone I know praying for you, my friend. I know you've got a long road to recovery, but with your strength and the power of some serious prayer, I know you will come through it! God Bless you! smilie

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MessageThank You God !!!!! Please hang in there honey.. We are all praying for you.. Love joni

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MessageI am praying so hard for you. Keep up the fight. You are such an inspiration.

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