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NameBarbara Dirks
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MessageKyle, keep up the good work. I love to live vicariously!! Barbara Dirks

Namekurt strauser
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MessageKyle I love your posts, you have a great knack for telling the story how it really happens and not spiced up like dad. I think I'll read your posts first for the real story. I'm glad you are having a good time and enjoying life to a degree that most kids in America will never know.

Have fun and be safe.


NameDoug and Marlene
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MessageHi Kevin, We are at your Mom's house right now looking at your blog. Your parents and Doug went to high school together and your dad was the best man in our wedding 40 years ago. Have a fun and interesting year.
Doug and Marlene

NameAuntie Sheri and Uncle Gene
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MessageWow Kyle this is amazing. We just got back from Italy and I can't imagine going all around the world. What a lucky guy you are. I remeber your dad at that age and his most favorite thing he loved doing was when Grandma and Grandpa would leave him alone for a short while in the hotel he would order from room service a lot of food! It sure cost grandma and grandpa a bunch of money. I look forward to reading all of your adventures and hope I will get some e-mails also from your dad.

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MessageKyle- how amazing. I so enjoyed your last 2 entries. Sounds like you are having a great time. Please keep up the updates!

Miss you!

Love, Kelly and Family

Nameaunt patty
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Messagehow do you decide to what to wear each day, you have so much to pick from. I am enjoying your blogspot, I check it every couple of days. Jordan is suppose to have his senior picture taken this summer and he went and shaved his head,brat!xxoo

NameAunt Chris
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Holden and I have been reading about your adventures. I think he now wants to ride an elephant too! Bring one home okay?


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MessageKyle, it sounds like you are having a great time. Take care of your mom and dad and tell your dad no more cheap hotels without air conditioning.

NameMary Brizzolara
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MessageHi Kyle: I've been reading the e-mails your dad has been sending. Sounds like you guys are really enjoying your travels. What a great opportunity for you and your parents. You are so blessed to be able to do it.

Have fun tomorrow volunteering at the school. It's going to be quite an experience for you. Continue to get your dad to rent rooms that have a/c and pools!

I'm praying for the three of you, asking God to keep you safe until your return. Tell your mom and dad I said hi.

Love, Mary

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MessageHello Kyle! Have you had a chance to eat lots of different foods yet? One of the best parts about learning a new culture is to share the "real stuff" that's around you. Please let us know about all the weird things you and your parents get to try. smilie Be brave! Take best care always.

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