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NameGranma & Grandaddy
MessageOur grandchildren are very beautiful.
Can't wait to see them again.
Love, Grandma and Granddaddy

NameBig Sister Emily or Emena!
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MessageThis is the 4th blog that my mom has done and I am happy about it because I get to see more photos of my family! smilie If you did not know why I put "Emena" is because my little sister Mary Audrey can't get my name right! smilie And I am the big sister of the Bininger-Harrell FAMILY smilie Although I get annoyed, everybody does so I'm cool. smilie I love to type! smilie I type my homework story every week! smilie (I guess that is called a type-a-haulic) I love being the big sister of this family! smilie (Yeah right!)Well, all I have to say is I'm lucky to be in my family or my family would fall apart! Well that's what my Daddy says and my mom because I have to watch over everyone! smilie

NameGeorgianne Collins
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MessageLove to you all and those beautiful little girls.
Hope Mary Audrey is doing well with her new environment.
I am a friend of Karen and JIM Lewis. Karen has told me all about your family and she sent me your blog to follow.
How wonderful of you to choose such beautiful little girls to be your daughters. She says they have terrific personalities.
I have so enjoyed following along with your blessed experience. My prayers are with you all.

NameDorothy Smith
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MessageHello Belinder I recieved these beautiful pics of my girls and your looking well also thank you so much for sharing them smilie . I belive I'm going to have to look at the pics almost everyday, because I miss you all so much smilie . The girls are so pretty smilie . Mary Audrey fits in so very much smilie . Thank you x's 4. I enjoyed the whole page.Keep sending them and I'll keep looking out for more smilie . Thanx again and tell Mary I said "Welcome". Give them my kisses and hug's as well I love you all and keep in touch smilie .I have enjoyed the pictures of you and your husband also, keep lookin good and I know Mary will love being with a loving family like yours smilie.Also Horace and I have just recently renewed our vowes as a suprise from the girls.It waz a big beautiful suprise. I'm have to send you some pics very soon. Love you and the family tell them love them and keep in touch smilie.

NameDeeAnn Rich
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MessageGod Bless you all!
I am enjoyng reading about your trip - I am in awe!
love to all you!

NameTammy Cotton
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Messagesmilie Woo Hoo! Can't wait to see Mary Aubrey in your arms! Congrats & safe travel!
Love, Tammy

Namethe newell family
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MessageYeah! You are so close now. Everyone here is so excited for you. smilie welcome to another bowhead.

NameLinda Kobert
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MessageHi! I'm Linda Kobert, next door neighbor to Cindy Porter. I am excited to follow your journey to your precious Mary Audrey. WE just returned from Jiangxi with our Ava Claire. Hope to meet you soon at some of the local FCC and Potluck club outings...

Roy, Linda, Ryan, Adam and Ava Claire.

NameAn Hong
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MessageYi Fang! (I mean Mary Audrey; I'm so used to your Chinese name.) I have enjoyed seeing your site. It looks like you have a great family. I hope you like the US as much as I do. I do hope we can keep in touch over the years! love, Josie (one of the four Nanjing girls!)

NameSydney Bininger-Harrell
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MessageMeeeeoooooow Mary Audrey,

I am your kitty cat. My name is Sydney and I am a grey & white striped tabby cat. I am a little grumpy and, well sort of a loner. I like to hide in places where nobody can find me.

I am a nice kitty cat and will be a wonderful pet for you as long as you know how to be kind and gentle to "quirky" cats like me. Its really no biggy.

Peace Me-OWW-T!


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