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NameVigrx Plus
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MessageWell I to but I dream the brief should secure more info then it has.

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MessageHello! Base klooper in place of my english jer, buti particular nice re say gJ$)Kd!!!.

Private Message added 08080808-0101-0303

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MessagePrimoss!!! Muchas Felicidades a los nuevos señores esposos! jeje les deseo toda la felicidad ahora q empiezan una nueva vida! Sus fotos estan divinas primita ud como siempre bella toda una princesita!!
Les mando un beso inmenso!!
los quiere muchos su primita,

NameMutale & Jarrett
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MessageNahid and Naysan,

Many, many congratulations on your marriage. We are so happy for you and look forward to visit each other one day. Hope you are having a great time and enjoying married life. Take care and all the best.

Hugs and kisses,

Mutale and Jarrett

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MessageMy dear Nahid and Naysan..by now, you are already married!! and I am soo happy for you!! I want to tell you that you were in my heart on the 20th of july..I wished to called you but I couldn´t, I explained to Nahid in an email why..I wanted so much to hear your voice or to be there, anyway I will call soon..I wish you the best on your new life..I always remember you..Nahid you are so special to me, I am sure Naysan will make you so happy and you will make him so happy too =) Love you a lot and biggggggggg hugs and kisses..I AM waiting for your pictures!!! Big hugs! smilie smilie

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MessageDear ones,
the day of the 20th I couldn't take my thoughts away from you, who were living the most beautiful day of your life
Although with a bit of delay I wanted to send you my heartfelt congratulations.
I wish you all the best in life, may it be always aligned to the will of God and to the service to His Cause.
May God always protect you and strenghten you.
Can't wait to see pictures of this marvellous day
With love
Samira smilie

NamePat & Peter
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MessageDear Nahid and Naysan,
Our congratulations and very best wishes to you both on your wedding day! May you enjoy a wonderful life together-- we look forward to catching up with you sometime, somewhere.

With loving regards,
Pat and Peter

NameHussein y Haejin
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MessageMuy queridos Nahid y Naysan,

Que Dios ilumine y bendiga este matrimonio, y cuidenla con mucho amor, paciencia y tolerancia como nos enseña en las tablas del matrimonio.
Nos hubiese encantado acompañarlos en este día tan importante para uds., sin embargo, los acomparañeremos desde nuestros corazones y estarán presentes en nuestras oraciones.

Además los estaremos esperando en Santa Cruz con muchos regalos y sobretodo con abrazos y cariños.

Con mucho cariño,
Hakim y Naim, Hussein y Haejin

P.D. Nahid por favor tienes que traducir para Naysan.

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MessageAmiga linda!!! smilie smilie
Estoy super contenta de emocion son lagrimas de felicidad!!
No creo poder ir a tu boda y me da mucha tristeza pero mis pensamientos estaran con vos y con tu futuro esposos
Best wishes and Gros Bisous!!!

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