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Thanks for dropping by! Travel safely on The Road to the Horizon! - Peter

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Date2008-05-12 (03:39)
Locationclick picture for more information
Your Websitehttp://wallacereid.blogspot.com/
MessageI enjoyed the photos you posted, and I hope you enjoyed your time away from work. I suspect you have been very busy, catching up with every thing that has happened in the last few days.

I just wanted to say thanks, for giving everyone a peek at your work, and the work of others around the world.


[Peter says: You are very welcome, Walace!]

Private Message added 2008-04-12 (11:04)

Namejerald D'souza
Date2008-04-10 (08:27)
Locationclick picture for more information
Your Websitenot yet
Messagehi thanks for that brief note on war on iraq. you have beautifully put forth the gravity of the point, you do really share a humanitarian cause by doing it, please continue to do it. may many people get awakened at the extent of the realities.

[Peter says: I will, Jerry!]

Private Message added 2008-03-07 (15:22)

Date2008-02-22 (08:27)
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagehi peter, thank you for your encouraging story. it really gave me hope. iam still a student but also interested in working with humanitarian organisations. it helps to you to share the joys and cries of the world. thank you.

[Peter says: Thanks, Ivan! ]

Date2008-02-18 (18:16)
Locationclick picture for more information
Your Websitecoming soon
Messagegoing to read every single e-story...thanks for this wonderful resource. only you could make it so interesting smilie

I read the 'how' to become an aid worker..looking for someway to get involved..if there's anything that I can do..let me know ok?..in the meanwhile, I'll keep checking for online assignments.

[Peter says: Hi Lorraine! More via direct email, but was great hearing from you!]

NameLucas Kalkman
Date2008-02-07 (00:04)
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageThank you for sharing these slices of live.

Zit er vaak aan te denken om mijn carrière als Transporteur in te ruilen voor werken in de bush.

Veel succes

Lucas Kalkman
Sandton, South Africa

[Peter says: Hi Lucas! If you are interested in aidwork, have a look at one of the posts about "So you want to be an aid worker, hey?"... You can always, with your experience, give it a try in the logistics departments of different organisations... Wishing you well!]

NameAli Alhebshi
Date2008-01-15 (04:44)
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI read your post about weather in Kuwait. I never been to any country in the world on winter. I always wanted to campare between the weather in winter here and europe. You gave a convincing answer to my wonder.
Welcome in Kuwait.
Ali from Kuwait.

[Peter says:Hi Ali! was good to visit your country, but had no clue it was so cold there!!! Hope you get the chance to travel soon too! ]

Nameעין תחת עין
Date2007-12-11 (18:44)
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageTen UN international staff killed by terrorists.

Millions of people killed by the incompetence of international UN staff.

Exodus 21:23–27

[Peter says:I think you need to read a bit more on the actual work aidworkers do, my friend... Open your eyes. ]

NameCarol Leslie
Date2007-11-29 (19:49)
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI just stumbled up on your site, haven't even started reading and viewing and enjoying, but I will. Just wanted to sign your guestbook to say hello. I think a guestbook is a great idea. Can't wait to read on.

Carol Leslie
Divorced mom of 2 lovely teen agers and day dreamer of travel...

[Peter says: Thanks, Carol! ]

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