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Messagei just found your blog and it's amazing!!!^0^
thx u all for subbed the clips,etc
that really help us who don't understand japanese huhu

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Messagehello there, my name is laurence but you all can call me lay, i have a question, about this site, is this site for everybody or is this site suppose to be personal? well anyways if this site is for everybody, well then hello there, i am a huge fan of JE, i love them so much. i am obsess with tegoshi and shigeaki

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I've discovered your blog recently, and i must say:
it's really amazing!
smilie smilie smilie

Thank you so much

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MessageHi! I love what you do on this web!!!I so wanted to see that Hey3 epi with Gym in it...I'm all satisfied now ne smilie Thank you so much!
smilie I miss Japaaaan!!!! smilie Since i'm in the states studying, I realized that i've been missing so much good stuff like good Japanese TV shows especially YamaP's in.From now on, I can enjoy watching great smiles smilie of Jonny's boys on this web! Again, thank you so much, and I'll be looking forward to see more of your great job here smilie !

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MessageHello smilie
nice to meet u!!
I am a huuuge news fan<3 lol
this is the first time i come to this site.
its awesome!!
i want to thank u soooo much for uploading all
the tv shows and scans of the magazines.
once again, thanx a LOT smilie

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MessageHi~! nice to meet you~
this is my first time I visit here and I'm a KAT-TUN fan.
Thank you for sharing "SAPURI",I can't wait to see that. smilie
There was something special in the "SAPURI"~~
In the opening,there were many arrows~the arrow shows their relationship~
The arrow between Misaki Ito and Kamenashi Kazuya
was double-headed~(they will fall in love!!) smilie
That's really interesting!! smilie
(I'm still learning English.
If there is anything wrong with my spelling, please mail me I'll correct it smilie )

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Messagekoncha~~. =D oh. oh. <3 your site. =]] i wish i could do something like this...>.> err...teach me!! haha. ongegaishimasu~~. smilie ohhh. may i ask how old are you? haha. & if you speak japanese?! =]] tomodachi, onegai. smilie

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Messagesaluuut !! ^^
Bon, j'avais déjà mis un commentaire mais heuuuu ..... l'anglais: HUM HUM HUM ^^
Mais bon, je vais m'améliorer, mais pour l'instant, je crois que je vais m'en tenir au français ^^
Donc, je le répète: ton blog est vraiment trop bien !! ^^ Grâce à toi, je peux vraiment avoir tous les trucs nouveaux et tout .... enfin je me comprends ^^
Mici encore de tout mon kokoro !! ^^
smilie ( rien à voit mais jaime bien ce smiley .... ^^ )

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Messagei wanna say .. many thanks for ran.. for verything u do here.. very Awesome ^^b.. smilie
i love pi.. but u more than that i think, hehe.. smilie
nice to know u're blogie..n find what u like.
n i'll be more love to pi 'coz i can find out everything 'bout him on u're blogie.
thanks once again ran.. smilie
about u're blogie, i like it smilie
very like it smilie . i like u're creativity smilie , i like u're design smilie, i like u're writing smilie, i like everything u do here^^
i give u two thumbs up smilie smilie smilie very awesome girl smilie
viva for u, viva for pi, viva for NEWS, n viva for me, hehe smilie smilie smilie
let's dance baby smilie (let me, smilie )
nice to know u ran^^

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Messagesalut, j'écris en fraçais il me semble avoir vu qq part que t'était française.

merci boucoup pour les drama que t'up sur youtube et dailymotion. surtout pour kurosagi qui reste de loin mon drama préféré.
ton blog est sympa (jai pas encore tout vu ^^)mais je croi que ça va pas tarder :p
vive yamapi(même si je préfer kame&akanishi)

voila a+, Shana

/ah oui petite question, si js ta le tps de me répondre, tu a abandoné l'up HS de kurosagi ou les ep non pas encore été sous titré? vala kisu bonne continuation/

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