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Namemary ann
DateMay 5, 2007, 1:38 am
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MessageHi Bill and Marie...I have been wondering how things are going. Have had a lot of trouble getting into the site. Hope is well and that Angel #2 is almost ready to come home.

Love smilie smilie

NamePat Reed
DateMay 5, 2007, 1:24 am
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MessageHey guys, Its 1 in the morning and I am at work and had to check to see if there was anything new. I have enjoyed our posts VERY MUCH!!! Its almost as good as being there. What memories you have brought back. Tell everyone I said Hello. I am going to go and make a fresh pot of Folger's coffee. smilie


NameGrandma Cammy
DateMay 4, 2007, 6:26 pm
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MessageHey Bill and Marie, you gave away my favorite pj's. How could you do that when you knew they meant so much to me. HA Ha. Maybe I can find another pair. Well, still enjoying your every day letter. It is so exciting to see what is going on. You must ask God to help you with this mother matter. Nothing is impossible thru Him, so put your trust in Him and then began thanking Him even though it has not happened yet. What you speak from your mouth will be and He does hear your every word and prayer. Praise God for all He has already done in your lives.
Love all of you......................MOM

NameGene & Lisa
DateMay 3, 2007, 7:38 pm
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Guys,
You seem well! Things are looking up and the time seems to be flying by! Of course, we are in America. Almira is so beautiful! Marie, Do you think that Bill & Gene are sneaking over to Kaz? Katya does have Gene's features! Just kidding!!! Almira will be one blessed child! We just wanted to check in and say hi! Lots of Love to you both!! Please check on Tima for us! Katya always asks about him. A picture of him would be awesome! Work your magic~~A prayer for you Marie: How could you believe in a child that you had never seen, you believe within your heart and look at the beautiful sky !!!!!!!!
Gene & Lisa

Private Message added May 3, 2007, 3:50 pm

DateMay 3, 2007, 3:33 pm
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHello! I wanted to share how much I enjoyed reading your adoption story. I adopted my daughter Caitlin from Kaz (Qounstany region) four years ago (and) have started the process to adopt another little girl. I asked Charlotte Allen for a reference, and she let me read your adoption adventure!

Boy, your story brought back so many memories for me. My experience (there were 8 families with me when I adopted) are so like yours, I felt I had traveled back in time! We went in March (snow, snow, and oh ya, more snow) that even in Almaty we couldn't go any where with out turning blue!.

To see Almaty from your pictures, let me see sights I only looked at in the brochures in the lobby (where we all hung out, all day long).

I hope this trip is blessed with speed!. Thank you again for sharing your adventure!


NameFavorite Daughter-In-Law
DateMay 2, 2007, 11:27 pm
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MessageI see that you are missing your prayer. I am going to go to church 2morrow to get another Adoption Prayer for you. I will email the prayer to usmilie Sending XOXO from Double D's and Gabriella smilie

NameGene & Lisa
DateMay 2, 2007, 8:19 pm
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Guys,
Your time is about to end! Please don't forget to burn your clothes! What happens in Kaz stays in Kaz! Your daughter is too cute, and she will fit in just fine! We love you guys and appreciate all that you are doing! Tell Khabiba that we want to return one day. Also, if any children there have a lazy eye please tell them that a patch will easily fix this problem. Look out for those lazy eyes! Katya has to wear a patch until she is nine. If we could help those earlier, it would be awesome. We would be more than happy to send some patches!!!!!!!!!! We are sending you love and kisses. Stay strong!!
Love, Gene, Lisa, Katya

NameGrandma Cammy
DateMay 1, 2007, 6:54 pm
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi guys,
The pictures get more beautiful every time I go in the site. I love the babies and I wish more people would adopt them. I asked the Lord to hold each and every one of them because where no one else can go, He can. He loves them even more that we do and He can give them the comfort they need without us ever seeing Him do it. Who knows better than Him what these precious little babies and children need and rest assured, He will be there for them every time. I got an e-mail from Jessie today and she goes in the site. She said she is so proud of how you both help people who would never have a chance. Bye for now. Stay safe, healthy and know that you are loved.................Mom

DateApril 30, 2007, 1:23 pm
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi guys,

Emily looks like quite the character. She seems like a perfect fit for your every growing family. I can't wait to see her here, in her new environment. She'll be so exicited, so much new stuff to see and learn. And lots of brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins and grandmas etc. for her to love and to love her. She is a lucky little girl, she just doesn't know how lucky yet. But very soon she will. Hurry home!


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