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Locationclick picture for more information
MessageJose, I saw your request on DPREVIEW for opinions on this site. Unfortunately, I was unable to login. Very nice site. I am curious what theme you used in inspired me to revamp my site using it, and I like the usability of your site.

Your photography is wonderful and you have a bright future ahead. Thanks for sharing!


NameHenrik Andersen
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageAbsolutely stunning images - you are setting a very high standard for nature photography!
Which equipment to you use to capture these gorgeous moments?

I wish you all the best and look forward to see more work from you smilie

Kind regards,


Namesubathory(bruno abreu)
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagegrande trabalho amphion, tents fotos mesmo brutais!

força ai com o trabalho smilie

Private Message added 2007-01-28

Messagefantastic, keep up the good work

NameLinde (ShadowedInnocence)
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageJust viewing your beautiful layout gets me inspired immediatly. Your pictures are stunning. Too bad my tiny browser doesn't like your website too much =P
Keep up the great work, I hope to get a message on dA soon saying you've submitted something ^^


Locationclick picture for more information
MessageDude, i like this site as well as the gallery. About the gallery - i prefer b&w thumbnails which become colorized on mouseover, but that's my own opinion. And this guestbook is too white smilie Doesn't fit well with the site. Everything else is good. smilie

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHey there from therunekeeper. Great website smilie

NameAndré Nóbrega - Feantur
Locationclick picture for more information
Messageparabéns pelo excelente trabalho! E pelo site, já agora... smilie

NameSarah (fragile-burn)
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI found your site through deviant art and just wanted to tell you that you're an incredible artist and continually amaze me with your clever eye for color and composition. More than that, your pictures make me happy. Bravo!!

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