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namaputra lingkaran
pesanhu..... smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Menetas kukuruyuk mudah rame rame baru kamorang bingung smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie

namaputra lingkaran
pesanhu..... smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Menetas kukuruyuk mudah rame rame baru kamorang bingung smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie

namaputra lingkaran
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pesanu huuum pikir pikir sih... kukuruyuk berasal dari telur juga yo.... teman. salam kam semua youuue. smilie

namaputra lingkaran
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pesanu huuum pikir pikir sih... kukuruyuk berasal dari telur juga yo.... teman. salam kam semua youuue. smilie

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weeee su tra berkukuruyuk lgi kaaaaaa.....
jangan2x lgi bertelur di aussie kapa...?"smilie smilie smilie

Neeee kukuruyuk3x,lama tak baca lgi email2x_mu, mungkin you lgi dalam kegiatan sleep training or what?".......

Just wait.....I'll come to your place this christmas holiday to kasih dingin Terong up there smilie .....Are You agree or not...?"

Ok...bye2x smilie

Big&Hot_Terong smilie

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pesanMaaf,Dicari dealer pulsa elektrik untuk seluruh indonesia,Syarat mudah,untung banyak,All operator,24 jam nonstop sehari,info sms 085232172666

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pesanMaaf,Dicari dealer pulsa elektrik untuk seluruh indonesia,Syarat mudah,untung banyak,All operator,24 jam nonstop sehari, smilie smilie

pesanto Wong Papua :

trims buat kawan pu koment...

sukses selalu

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pesanFollowed the meaning of the word “independence” from Encarta dictionary, this word means
freedom from control: freedom from dependence on or control by another person, organization, or state
Without briefly explain the meaning of this word, you’d probably grasp the meaning of it. Had you give more comments on this issue, I would definitely help you with what I’ve known.

Simplenya, independence itu hal utama yang harus dicapai dan masa depan dipikirkan... bukan pikir masa depan dulu baru merdeka... karna merdeka itu permulaan dari suatu hidup baru. is that understood?

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pesanOm Cepos,
Thank's for your beautiful information about Australia Tahan 49 Nelayan Indonesia,Deplu Sudah Dapat Notifikasi,...49 Nelayan Indonesia ditangkap di perairan utara pantai Australia. Menurut notifikasi yang diterima oleh Departemen Luar Negeri, keempat puluh sembilan nelayan tersebut ditangkap oleh petugas bea cukai karena dituduh menangkap ikan secara ilegal...dst.
How come those guys could attached by Aussie Marine Defence.It's definateley something are wrong.RI govt..used to claim to build west papuan in all sections but to look after their own people is still failure.See how bed is that 49 people should suffer again because just struggling for a plate of rice or"So wong jawa please open you eyes widely because of your greedy and dominantly in all sensitive departements such as financial and securitiy domestic,see now your 49 home people are crying now in the jail.Please do not dreaming to much about your otonomy rules which you had been rushing for papuan people to use it because the result as we see now is Australia Tahan 49 Nelayan Indonesia.If 49 papuan people come with that boat + their own flag(morning star)it would become big issue all over the world and you RI immediately would close your consulate again,wouldn't you?"...
RI please compalin some times against Aussie about sea boundry, don't always complain any papuan who used to arrive here sometimes..OK
Who doesn't know RI,the nation of coruptor union smilie
OK 'Thank's

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