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Messagesaja singah

Namenasa triumph
Locationclick picture for more information
Confirm email address[email protected]
Messageas'kum bro atan,

ingat aku lagi x. alah yg dulu keja kat titan kg pandan tahun 97 ngan ko dulu. alah yg pakai moto triumph klasik kuning tu. wah dah maju skarang ni. kalau ingat email la gua no phone lu. ble borak2.


NameAh Chuan
Locationclick picture for more information
Confirm email address[email protected]
MessageA very intresting website.I just wish to see more of your design on chopper.And if possible I want to knw every single events about chopper.Like where is the location, date, and time.All the best in what you do..Keep up the good work.. smilie

Namenapsterizm (mbcian)
Locationclick picture for more information
Confirm email address[email protected]
Messagejadikan locklaq chopper FAMOUS mcm american chopper country..... smilie
baru la 1 dunia memandang... smilie smilie smilie

Confirm email address[email protected]
Messagehi.atan firttime itry evermuch for sent email .. smilie

NameWarpigs MC
Confirm email address[email protected]
MessageWaaauuppp, brother Atan?!?!

Good 2 c u at Rock to Rock.
Great site, great bikes!!

Lets fly the Malaysian proud at AMD Asian Custom Bike Building Championship in October!

with respect,

NameKickAss Choppers
Locationclick picture for more information
Confirm email address[email protected]
MessageYea dude, hope to see you in KL for AIME this upcoming October! Nice site by the way! smilie

Locationclick picture for more information
Confirm email address[email protected]
MessageNice long hauler chopper...actualy i just back from KL...damn i should visit ya garage sumtime...keep on chopin' an zeein'..c ya @ aime 2007.....

NameZaihan (Taiping Bikers)
Locationclick picture for more information
Confirm email address[email protected]
MessageCuba berhubung dgn anda sebelum ini tetapi e-mail tidak berjawab. Saya berminat untuk mendapatkan T-Shirt anda sebagai tanda sokongan kepada anda terhadap industry permotoran ini. Harap dapat maklumbalas dari anda. smilie

NameNurul JHM
Locationclick picture for more information
Confirm email address[email protected]
MessageAbang Atan !!!

Cayalah lu !!! smilie

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