View Full Version : How many entries can ultragust support?

07-09-2004, 06:02 AM
Hi, I know some guestbooks only hold 50, 100, 200 ect entries. How many does Ultraguest support?

Keep up the good work :)


07-09-2004, 02:52 PM
Hello James,

At present there is no limit to the number of entries a guestbook can have - as long as it has some activity once in a while. There may be a limit in the future, but I don't see much point in adding one. A very large guestbook with say 10,000 entires requires less than 4 MB of space on the server. Currently there are no guestbooks with more than 2,000 entries. You can check out the live statistics for yourself here:


I can not guarantee that there will not be limits in the future, but I can promise that if there ever is a limit it will be fairly high (say at least 2,000 entries) and it will be possible to download and store the entires on your local computer before a limit is imposed (this download feature is on the way regardless).