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View Full Version : Guests Unable To Post Private Messages

01-22-2008, 01:32 PM
Dear Community.

I was wondering if this issue was just tied into my guestbook or whether any one else is having the same issue but as of yet is unaware?

When a guest posts on my guestbooks and they select the tick box for Private Message the message is displayed as normal. This feature used to work up until the message filtering was introduced for Spam & Awaiting Approval.

I was only alerted to this after a guest said they had posted a Private comment which was then publically displayed. I was able to manually change this to Private in the Control Panel afterwards but having personally posted my own messages the same thing happends :confused:

01-22-2008, 02:12 PM
Just to make sure that I understand you:

You have chosen to approve all new messages
Someone posts a message in your guestbook and makes it private
You get an e-mail saying that you have a message pending your approval
You visit the Control Panel to approve the message
Not knowing if the message was intended to be private, you make it publicThis is a known limitation in the system:


I have now changed the notification e-mails so that you will know that the message was intended to be private. The e-mail also says that you must make the message Private when changing the status.

I do realise that this is not a very good solution, but it is the best solution for now until the database structure is changed.

01-22-2008, 06:24 PM
Hello Andreas,

Thanks for your more than prompt reply. :D

Unfortunately this was not what I meant but since that issue was apparent also then I am sure some one will have benefited.

My issue to try and put it simpler is that I do not have the message approval set up and guests are welcome to post any comments.

When posting a message there is a tick box to the right of the country selection drop down menu. If you tick this the message should be displayed as Private on the guestbook to other viewers and then only readable once signed into the control panel.

At the moment these messages are automatically made public regardless of ticking the Private box or not. :confused:

01-24-2008, 11:22 AM
Thanks again!

Just to make that I got you right this time:

User creates a private message by checking the private box
The message becomes public even though it should be private.This issue has been fixed! :)

01-24-2008, 04:52 PM
That's spot on Andreas.

Thanks so much, I have checked this and can confirm it now works like before :D
