View Full Version : Ban an IP?

07-31-2007, 11:19 AM
We have a chronic trouble maker that keeps posting highly negative and inflammatory posts.

Is there anyway to ban the IP of this person? We are using the free version of the guestbook.

I did add the IP to the IP deny manager in the site's cPanel, but if this guy already has our guestbook bookmarked, he'll be able to post at any time.

And, thank you for allowing so many features in the free version. Very highly appreciated. We will be upgrading down the road.

07-31-2007, 01:07 PM
Thanks for your feedback!

While I personally will discourage you from using IP banning because of the problems that it may cause (the spammer may change his/her IP address and "innocent" users may be blocked, AOL for instance lets hundreds/thousands of users share the same IP address and blocking a spammer may prevents lots of "good" users from posting), this feature has been requested by many people and will be added.

I've added your request to the list of new features, and I hope that it will be implemented shortly. You can see the status here:


As you can see the feature has now been "accepted". Once I start to develop it it wil be "in progress", and when it is ready the status will be changed to "implemented". You can also see what priority the request has been given in the link above.

08-01-2007, 02:33 PM
Thanks so much Andreas.

We believe this particular guy has static IPs, one for each of his computers.

My client is moving her chatroom regulars from AOL chatroom to her own chatroom on her new site. The same site the guestbook is on. So, the majority of our current visitors to the website are AOL users. So, we have been worried about banning IPs since, like you said, many end up using the same IP.

Hopefully, the IPs we are banning are his exclusively. So, he will banned from the website. Now, with you soon to be programming the IP ban in the guestbook - the guestbook and prayer book will be secure from him also.

Thank you!
~ Barbara