View Full Version : Creating buttons for your guestbook..

03-09-2007, 09:16 PM
I am so impressed with the ultraguest service, that I almost feel obliged to give something back, hoping it will encourage more people to use ultraguest....

So let me share something for the other web-newbies like myself, on how to create a button for people to click on your website, like:


As the default HTML code provided is a simple link text, you might try to attract more people to your guestbook by making a button for them to click..

Step by step:

1. go to one of the free websites that let you make buttons. I use http://cooltext.com/Buttons . Highly configurable, and they let you save the button you created onto your hard disk.

2. upload the button itself onto your FTP server, or to one of the public and free picture servers (I use flickr).

3. once uploaded, get a url that points to your picture, which looks something like:
h t t p://farm1.static.flickr.com/181/415953445_197d1b2daf_o.gif

4. then on your web, integrate your button with the following HTML code:
<a href="http://www.ultraguest.com/sign/yournumber"><alt="anytext" src="yourpicture-url"/></a>

"your number" is your guestbook number (see the code you get in your control panel
"anytext" is the text shown when people move their cursor over the button (e.g. 'Just to say hi or to give feedback about my website!')
"yourpicture-url" is the url you got back from your picture server, pointing to your button

(and no, i am not sponsored by flickr.com nor cooltext.com. I just use their service a lot..)

Voila, hope this helps... If you want to see how I implemented this, check my website..


05-14-2007, 01:45 AM
I thought your button idea is excellent. Went to your site and tried it.
Haven't tried to put this in idea yet, as I'm new to this stuff.
What I want to ask was: how do you get the guestbook window to open up in anything less than full size?
Mine opens up in a full-size window, and I don't know how to make it smaller.

05-14-2007, 11:26 AM
You could use javascript to customize the size of the pop-up window. See if this helps:


05-14-2007, 08:24 PM
Thanks Andreas for your reply.
I made my website with WebPlus, which is a WYSISWYG program, all the coding is handled by the program.
I've never even SEEN HTML code!
I went to your link you supplied, I can understand how to alter the arguments in the Javacode, but I don't know where it goes in my website, nor the Javascript link.
The annoying thing is, I understand what the coding does, and how to set parameters, but don't know where it goes!
I guess I'll have to put up with the full-size window...
Thanks anyway,
Bruce Viney