View Full Version : Background image setting and smilies

01-06-2006, 12:00 AM
Hello, I'm new here and started to custormize a new guestbook.
now I have 2 questions:

The first one - I filled the full url to a background image on my website
into the box of "Background image" in "Design and Layout" section,
but it doesn't appear...why?
Is there any limit to image sizes (max-minimum) or websites to upload background images?

The second one - Is it possible to change or add smilies? If possible, I personally want "waving-hand(welcoming or saying bye)" "hug" "sing" and "king"smilies.

01-06-2006, 12:16 AM

It seems that the background image is working in your guestbook now. If that is not the case, please let me know what web browser you are using.

It is not possible to change/add smilies, but I have added this to the "requests"-list.

01-06-2006, 04:23 AM
Hi Andreas,
I appreciate your good advices. I'm a mac user (with internet explorer 5.1) but checked my guestbook on windows computers today...
and found the background image setting is working!
Maybe it doesn't work on mac...it will be better if it works on both of mac and windows, but anyway most of the visitors seem windows users so it is just a small problem so far...
And thanks for your requesting new smilies.
I hope this useful and refined system for guestbooks will be developed more and more in the future.