View Full Version : A couple of suggestions.

12-16-2005, 12:52 PM

I'd like to first thank you for the updates! They're great! I've noticed a little problem though, and it's regarding scrollbars. You've already helped me get them customized again, but for some reason, there's a horizontal scrollbar present (it wasn't there before you added the verification code, duplicate post prevention, etc.), and I can't seem to get rid of it. :confused: I'm hoping it can be remedied by changing my code, but I can't find a way to do it.

Also, here's a picture of a couple of little problems that I've noticed. They're no big deal; I'd rather get the bigger bugs out of the way first. :)


Thanks again for the updates!

12-16-2005, 10:58 PM

I've added a fix for a bug in Internet Explorer that should take care of this problem. This has nothing to do with new features (duplicate post prevention, captcha etc) by the way, but it is caused by the way certain browsers (IE) incorrectly interprets stylesheets.

I'm unable to view your image. Would you be able to upload it to your own server or email it to me?

12-17-2005, 10:47 AM
Thanks, the unnecessary horizontal scrollbar's not longer present! I guess it wasn't on my part after all. :) I've sent you that image you weren't able to view (should be in your inbox now); hopefully you're able to view it this time! Thanks again!

12-19-2005, 06:24 AM

I uploaded the image you sent me to this forum and I've fixed the font-family/size of the pagination.

The footer-box with the UltraGuest link is not supposed to change, but I may look into create a few "styles" to choose from in the future.

Thanks again for your feedback! :)

12-19-2005, 08:26 AM
No problem, just thought I'd point out a couple of things. Thanks for getting the pagination text straightened out; as for the footer box, styles would be nice, but I don't mind it staying the same, because I'm far grateful for everything else! :)