View Full Version : Other Uses for Guestbook

09-14-2005, 03:20 PM
Hi to one and all,

I have a question for you...somebody, please. I am thinking of putting testimonials on our church website. Some people have tried blogs, but a person never knows what will come up next. I have seen a very inappropriate blog following a pastor's blog, for example.

With the guestbook we only have to worry about inappropriate visitors. Is there any way the guest book can be retitled and used by people for testimonials or other things for that matter. That way it would be open to all, anyone who chose to could write on it, I can easily delete inappropriate material...and we would all be happy. :D And people could be inspired by the testimonials...I hope.

Is that a possibility with the ultraguestbook? And if it isn't, does anyone have any ideas what I could use. It seems like it wouldn't be too difficult, but I am not skilled enough to know how to do that.



10-08-2005, 08:36 AM

I think you can use a guestbook for this purpose, but you may receive as much (or as little) spam and inappropriate content as you would using a blog.