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Apa itu musik klasik? 

Anda mengetahuinya ketika Anda mendengarnya — atau Anda pikir Anda melakukannya — tetapi semakin tepat Anda mencoba menjawab pertanyaan itu, semakin sulit dipahami jawabannya.

Salah satu hal pertama yang Anda pelajari ketika Anda diperkenalkan dengan musik klasik adalah bahwa istilah "klasik" paling tepat menggambarkan musik yang disusun dari sekitar tahun 1750 hingga 1820. Itu termasuk karya Haydn dan Mozart, tetapi hanya sebagian besar Beethoven. Itu tidak termasuk Bach — atau Wagner. Ini pasti tidak termasuk Debussy atau Copland, meskipun Anda akan mendengar banyak dari semua artis itu di MPR Klasik dan stasiun musik klasik lainnya.

Istilah "musik klasik" pertama kali mulai muncul pada awal abad ke-19, dan mendapatkan popularitas di kalangan pecinta musik yang menganggap periode dari Bach (secara teknis, seorang komposer Barok) hingga Beethoven sebagai era yang bersinar dalam sejarah musik. Akhir abad ke-19 akhirnya dikenal sebagai Era Romantis, tetapi ketika datang untuk memberi tahu masyarakat umum apa yang dimainkan orkestra lokal mereka, Berlioz dan Brahms tergelincir di bawah rubrik "musik klasik" yang luas. Akhirnya, komposer abad ke-20 dari Stravinsky ke Stockhausen juga berkerumun di bawah payung.

Ahli musik dapat begadang semalaman berbicara tentang bentuk dan lintasan musik klasik, memperdebatkan pertanyaan seperti pentingnya skor, peran improvisasi, dan sifat bentuk musik. Di mana Anda turun pada pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini menentukan siapa tepatnya yang menurut Anda termasuk dalam genre "musik klasik" yang didefinisikan secara luas. Penyanyi Renaisans? Frank Zappa? Adipati Ellington? Ya, tidak, mungkin?

Kenikmatan sehari-hari dari musik klasik tidak mengharuskan Anda untuk membebani otak Anda dengan perbedaan yang begitu halus, tetapi jelas membantu untuk memahami bahwa musik klasik adalah tradisi hidup yang didefinisikan dan didefinisikan ulang setiap hari. Meskipun Bach, Mozart, Beethoven dan orang-orang sezaman mereka akan selalu memiliki kebanggaan tempat di dunia musik klasik, sejarah panjang dari apa yang sekarang kita anggap musik klasik tidak dimulai dengan mereka dan tentu saja tidak berakhir dengan mereka.

Tradisi musik klasik hidup dalam komposer yang menulis skor untuk pertunjukan oleh orkestra, untuk ansambel kamar, untuk pemain solo — dan juga di tempat-tempat yang tidak terduga. Bahkan jika Anda tidak pernah mendengarkan "musik klasik," Anda terus-menerus mendengar musik yang telah dipengaruhi oleh tradisi klasik, dari skor video-game yang disusun dengan tepat hingga lagu-lagu Beatles yang dipengaruhi oleh komposer avant-garde hingga gitaris heavy-metal yang mencuri akord (mungkin tanpa menyadarinya) dari Richard Wagner.

Saya baru saja bergabung dengan MPR Klasik sebagai produser digital; Anda akan melihat byline saya di sini, dan segera Anda akan melihat byline penulis yang akan saya rekrut untuk berkontribusi pada liputan kami. Sebelumnya, saya adalah editor seni di Twin Cities Daily Planet; di sini, di MPR, saya juga akan bekerja dengan jurnalis musik mahasiswa yang akan menulis untuk blog Local Current kami.

Baca Juga: Tips Menulis Bagi Penulis Pemula

Tujuan saya adalah untuk memperluas cakupan kami tentang dunia musik klasik yang luas dengan cara yang akan mengejutkan Anda — dengan cara yang baik. Setiap hari, kami ingin memberi Anda sesuatu yang baru untuk dipikirkan, dibicarakan, dan dibagikan. Saya akan mencari suara penulis segar dan perspektif baru dari musisi klasik, komposer, dan pendengar. Jika Anda seorang penulis dan Anda tertarik untuk berkontribusi, beri tahu kami!

Banyak dari Anda adalah penggemar musik klasik seumur hidup, dan beberapa dari Anda adalah pendengar baru atau penggemar kasual. Ini adalah tujuan saya untuk membantu menjadikan situs kami tempat bagi Anda semua untuk mengunjungi dan terhubung dengan tuan rumah kami dan dengan anggota lain dari komunitas musik klasik. Kami pasti akan terus memberi Anda informasi terbaru tentang berita musik klasik, dan kami akan membagikan pandangan yang kami harap Anda akan menemukan stimulasi dan provokatif. Betapapun baiknya Anda tahu musik klasik, kami ingin membantu Anda mengetahuinya lebih baik - dan mendengarnya dengan cara baru.

Apa yang ingin Anda lihat di situs kami? Beri tahu kami dengan meninggalkan komentar di bawah ini!Apa itu musik klasik?

NameMedia Talk
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The Best Project Database You Must Try! ‎

‎Databases are quite important in managing your project. However, choosing the best database is often a difficult job. ‎‎You might immediately think of using a popular database instead. However, you need to first confirm whether the database matches the type of data you are using. In addition, its features must also meet the needs of your project, right? ‎

‎Well, in this article, we will provide recommendations for the best project databases that you can try. Arbitrary? Come on, take a look at the discussion.‎

‎What is a Database?

‎A database is a collection of structured and unstructured data that is systematically stored in a computer. For example, data is in the form of tables, rows, objects, queries and programming code. ‎

‎The existence of a good database is one of the requirements for your project to run smoothly. For example, website development projects, applications and others. ‎

‎In addition, you need to manage your project database effectively and efficiently. One way is to use a database application or database management system (DBMS).‎

‎A DBMS can help you to input and update your project database or call queries faster. ‎

‎There are many examples of popular project database applications that you can use. However, what kind of database application do you need for your project?‎

‎Best Project Database Recommendations‎

‎Here are the best project database recommendations you can try:‎

1. Oracle

‎Oracle is a popular relational database application. One reason is that these databases have high performance. Oracle is able to maintain data processing speed despite the increase in workload.‎

‎In addition, Oracle is multi-user so that it can be accessed together with other users. Interestingly, as data input increases, generally the data storage capacity will be depleted and the data processing speed will decrease. ‎

‎However that is not the case because Oracle has a ‎‎Real Application Clustering‎‎ feature. This feature will automatically increase the data storage capacity and data processing speed according to your needs.‎

‎When it comes to data security, you don't need to worry. Oracle has a ‎‎User Manager‎‎ feature to determine user access rights based on certain data. In addition, Oracle is also equipped with password encryption to keep only users who have passwords can access it.‎

‎With these features, it's no wonder that Oracle has become one of the popular databases for database development projects of large companies, such as ‎‎Mcafee‎‎ and ‎‎Cisco‎‎.‎

‎Even so, you can also use Oracle for projects that you do yourself.‎


Standard – 350 USD

Enterprise – 950 USD

Personal – 460 USD

2. MySQL

‎MySQL is a relational database developed by Oracle. The difference is, this database has a version that can be used for free because it is open source.‎

‎Actually, MySQL does not require high enough device specifications. With enough 1 GB of RAM, you can already use it for your database.‎

‎Well, if you want to use it with many users, of course the data storage capacity needs to be taken into account in order to handle increasingly large data inputs. Fortunately, the scalability of MySQL is quite good where you can increase the storage capacity up to 1 TB in size.‎

‎You also don't need to worry if your project uses a variety of programming languages. Because, MySQL supports C, C++, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, and Tcl, Haskel and Eiffel programming languages.‎

‎You don't need to doubt the speed of MySQL. Especially, with the‎‎ query cache‎‎ feature that will store all queries in the cache. The goal is that when you call the same query, the server doesn't have to reprocess your query to the database. ‎

‎The speed of this database application is also offset by its layered security system. First, you can use password encryption for the user. Second, you can set user access based on the type of database, host origin, tables and also columns.‎

3. Microsoft SQL Server

‎Your project needs a stable-performing database when processing large data? Microsoft SQL Server might be the solution. ‎

‎With ‎‎the memory optimized tempDB metadata‎‎ feature, you don't have to worry about the speed of database management being reduced due to the high workload. This feature will move the data tables that you use frequently into the memory optimization table. So, the loading of the data process can be minimized.‎

‎Are you planning to increase the capacity of your project data some time in the future? Don't worry, this database has scalability that can be adjusted to the needs of storage capacity, it can even be up to hundreds of terabytes. The condition is, with migration to the Microsoft Azure cloud.‎

‎Microsoft SQL Server is one of the best databases for projects that manage a lot of sensitive data. This database has a ‎‎Data Discovery Classification‎‎ feature that can group public, private and public data. That way, you can design a security system based on the level of data sensitivity. ‎

‎It can be said that MySQL is suitable for large enterprise database projects that are interested in protecting their consumer data. ‎

‎Oh yes, this database also supports programming languages such as Java, PHP, C++, Python, Ruby, Visual Basic, Delphi, Go and R.‎


‎Standard – 1.418 USD per year‎

‎Enterprise – $5,434 per year‎

4. PostgreSQL

‎PostgreSQL is a non-relational database with a fairly good reputation. Because even though it is open source, this database has many feature advantages.‎

‎First, this database has a good speed when used under high workload conditions. This is thanks to ‎‎the support of the Table Partitioning‎‎ feature which breaks large data tables into rows. Furthermore, the data will be read by scanning so that data processing is faster.‎

‎Second, this database also has a ‎‎Multi Version Concurrency Control (MVCC)‎‎ feature to maintain data consistency. So, when you are developing data, other users will still see the previous data. Other users will see the new data after the data update is complete.‎

‎POstgreSQL is a fairly popular database for developers who have projects with a lot of data development. For example, a website or application development project that is done by many developers at once. ‎

‎In terms of security, PostgreSQL has a ‎‎role management‎‎ feature that ensures that each user only has access to the database for which he is tasked. ‎

‎In addition, this database is equipped with a layered database user management feature. First, you can only allow local host access via local unix socket. Illegal access will be blocked using a username.‎

‎Secondly, if you want to give access to users with non-local hosts, you can use the -i option. If you find illegal access, blocking is done with an IP Address.‎

‎All the advantages above are still coupled with the ease of using it for free because it is open source. Plus, there's support for familiar programming languages like Python, Java, C#, C/C+, Ruby, JavaScript (Node.js), Perl, Go, and Tcl. ‎

NameHousse Media
Locationclick picture for more information

‎Why do you need Instagram followers on brands?‎

‎Positive Impact of Buying Instagram Followers

‎Some companies are still confused about the importance of buying Instagram followers for branding activities. Indeed, a large number of followers can have a very large influence on branding activities.‎

‎With the large number of followers, you will find it easier to carry out branding activities, because later there will be a lot of people who know your activities through social media.‎

‎The following are the positive sides in buying followers.‎

‎1. Socialize To Exist More‎

‎Nowadays, some people still think that the number of Instagram followers is a benchmark for the success of a celebgram. So, many people are trying hard to build content so that it can go viral & be accepted by many followers‎

‎In fact, this existence will not be able to last long, because there will always be a new celebgram at every time that is more existing, cooler, and pleasing to the eye, so it is necessary to buy Instagram reel views.‎

‎2. Attract Organic Followers‎

‎Buying a large number of Instagram followers is indeed able to provoke more people to be able to do activities combined with buy Instagram likes with PayPal to make it look more organic. Some celebgrams had done this method in the early days of the Instagram application.‎

‎You use it to create inspirational content and be able to help others, be it in terms of entertainment or education.‎

‎Tips for Getting a Lot of Followers By Buying Followers ‎


‎1. Consistently Post 3 Photos with the Same Theme‎

‎The first step that you can do to get a lot of followers is to post 3 pictures according to your karaktek & not to change wearing the appropriate theme.‎

‎So, every time you want to post content will look good and appropriate, but the theme can be different. to make it more aesthetic, try to upload 3 contents utilizing the appropriate theme &singular edits that should be the same.‎

‎If you do it consistently, then your Instagram appearance will be better & followers will also love to visit to make it more interesting try to also buy Instagram followers PayPal.‎

‎2. Be Consistent in Applying Edit Tones‎

‎for example, you have not changed posting 3 sketches, and you must also be able not to overhaul the appropriate tone in each content post.‎

‎Try not to change the content, the sample is based on for example monochrome tones to overexposure tones. for example you perform only once & aka at specific times it doesn't seem to matter.‎

‎but as long as the tone of your edit is appropriate and wears a style that doesn't change, it can't gain much followers. They'll be weary of making their way to your Instagram page.‎

‎3. Post Engaging and Consistent Content‎

‎This is very important to do if you want to get a lot of followers. Why? Because if your post is not interesting and looks original, then followers will make a big deal out of it.‎

‎For that, you have to determine what you want to post on your Instagram account. Not all photos you can post and maybe stories can be like that this can be another option by buying Instagram story views so that your views easily go viral.‎

‎For example, if you only want to post OOTD photos, food photos, or landscape photos. It's a good idea to blend it, but with the same edit tone so that it can still look aesthetic.‎

‎4. Don't Hesitate to Tag Famous Accounts on Instagram‎

‎If you have started to be consistent with what you want to post, then don't hesitate anymore to buy instagram reach and buy instagram impressions cheap.‎

‎If you regularly buy Instagram reel likes on each of your best reels posts, then the famous account will most likely repost and share content. So, you will be more famous and followers will increase.‎


‎Thus a complete explanation from us about the positive side on your account, if you buy instagram followers cheap you can achieve your goals easily, then know that in this day and age, it is not at all easy to have an Instagram brand profile or hallaman to a larger market. But using the help of social media marketing services, you must have a big impact and also they have many clients, and users even on blue tick artist accounts and large studios.‎

‎It is very easy to buy the followers you want by accepting several payments, namely:‎

  • MasterCard.

  • VISA.

  • PayPal.

  • ‎Other Credit Cards/ATMs‎
