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the one on one session with Orna Ralston

on you?  What do you experience with the

music on „A Shamans Journey“ ? etc. ...

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MessageПривет всем! интересный у вас сайт!
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MessageI was immediately, and very deeply touched, by the profundity in Ornas unadorned simplicity, naturalness, humour, and love combined with the songs and prayer field created. Like a womb, it allowed us to feel safe, at ease and ready to open,gently, like lotus flowers emerging from the muddy waters.It allowed us all to share in ways i have never before witnessed, nor experienced.
How Orna attended to our questions, queries, and pains with so much respect and disregarding nothing that was offered. With a patience, kindness and tenderness which is sadly, rarely seen, and in a tone of love that is so intimately gentle, like moonlight, yet powerful enough to move mountains. And it did move mountains....that was my own experience and my observation in others.
I rejoiced to meet you. I felt Home with you, with the tribe, and with the Work being so majestically and joyfully done. You are not contained by words. However,I rejoiced to see a Shaman , without
all the adornments.I rejoiced in experiencing you holding no notion of being special.I rejoiced to experience you living the ancient principle that actually, this is natural to ALL of us. It is the natural way of Being to live Love. Thank you with all of my heart for offering that to the World. Silent tears fell, tears of joy, of relief, of opening to Love.With all of my heart and soul thank you Orna. In Love and grattitude Durga

NameKlaas Otten
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MessageThanks Orna.
Let my own voice heard, it was my wish when I came to you workshop at Mirre. Because of your personal support,which is direct, loving, with humor and comitment, I have that sound can liberate. Since then, a new world emerged, where I want to sing, sounds and want let hear my own sound.
Incredible!!! :- smilie

Klaas (

NameWendy Gathier
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MessageSupper good the cd Shamans Journey. (thanks Orna)
Finally I can use mij shamanic drum in my daily life.
The music makes me happy and have a great sense of recognition
Particularly track nr 2, I get tears in my eyes….really beautiful.
I can not wait for the next cd Shamans Journey No. 2...3...4...etc.

Love & Peace for everyone

NameMarian Le Roux
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MessageDear readers,2 may this year we had with 12 woman a mini seminar with Orna in Garmerwolde. With most woman I meditate for a longer time and we experience together to go and be in the silence.After the mini seminar a few woman worked for more days with Orna and I immediately knew that I would be one of them.So I joined.One woman could not come ,family affairs, afterwards she asked me how was it...the bottom line what I wrote her and like to share it with you woman: in working with and being with Orna I was connected with my soul wich received a lot of space and recognition.My Whole live a lot of people went over my borders Orna did that NOT a split of a second and I became more free and aware..Orna goes not or push a step further then that I was and am.
The woman who I write a letter about my experience with working with Orna is comming to the sacred womanhood weekend in Holland ..and I will be their to..
Holland ,Marian le Roux ,68

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MessageWhat an interesting artistic evolution did you do, Orna, since the time I lived in the upper flat!
Congratulations and greetings from Trento, Italy.

NameAda Knol
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MessageJust checking your new website. What a wonderful energy it has.
It works on Google and on Internet Explorer as well.
The popups on page seminar do not allow returning to the page before using the internet browser. They close by ticking the cross in the right bottom corner. Feels a little unusual to me, but hey opens the mind the discover new ways smilie
For the schedule page you could consider a event calendar to which people can register at the same time. As an example you can have a look at
The plugin depends on what websitesoftware you use.
Until we meet again
Ada smilie

NameEllen Weijers
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Messagewonderfull!! deeply emotionally touched. Thanks Orna! i am the wife of Dj Jacco we give once a month trance dance in the nederlands and Jacco runs regularly do a song of you. We love it en this number prayer of peace will certainly be a time to get a nice spot in one of the workshops in any case already in my heart. lots of love Ellen Weijers smilie

Nametjarda van den hout
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Messagethank you my sister for sharing your beautiful gifs with us and i am looking forward to have some great ORNA(ights) listening to your cd smilie lots of love and blessings until we meet again tjarda

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MessageLiebe Orna,
ich schreibe dir, um dir ganz herzlichst zu danken, für die riesengrosse Hilfe die du mir gegeben hast im "Taller La Magia del Sonido".

Dank dir und deiner Arbeit, bin ich wiedergeboren.

Danke, dass du mir geholfen hast in die dunkelste und schmerzhafteste Ecke meiner selbst, Licht zu bringen. Selbst nach jahrelanger Therapie habe ich dies nie geschafft.

Es war die schwerste Arbeit die ich jeh geleistet habe.

Vielen, vielen Dank dafür, dass ich wieder neue Hoffnung geschöpft habe und ein neues Ziel vor Augen habe.

Danke, dass du uns allen das gegeben hast was wir brauchten und, dass wir bereit waren zu empfangen, auf so eine sensible und liebevolle Weise.

Danke, dass du mir gezeigt hast, dass man gleichzeitig gross und auch einfach sein kann, wie ein Adler und eine Schnecke.

Auch danke ich dir, von ganzem Herzen, für den wunderschönen Stein voller Liebe.

Ich wünsche mir sehr dich wiederzusehen.

Bis bald, viele Küsse und Umarmungen. smilie

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