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NameJuliet Amonett
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MessageI enjoy your show on TCT ! I do not miss any of your programs. Thank you In The Name Of Jesus for spreading God's Word. Praise God.
In Christ's Love,
Juliet Amonett

NameAnna Schroeder
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MessageHi Jimmy: I heard you tonight on channel TCT for the first time and enjoyed it immensely and have recorded your sessions so that I can listen to them in the future.
My family and I were fans of your father.
Thank you for being such a godly man, being obedient to God And teaching us the Scriptures.

NameLeatrice Davis
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MessageHello Pastor snow I love watching your show I am learning a lot from you I lost you a couple of months ago when I change cable stations but now I have found you again through the internet God bless you.

NameMike Sullivan
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MessageJimmy, you are such a blessing to us. We love your program so much. Such good teaching. And such a good teacher!! What happened your glasses? Did you get some repair done on your eyes? Either way may God's richest blessings be upon you brother Jimmy. Keep sharing the Word.
Mike Sullivan

NameBeulah Starr
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MessageJust watched you on TCT. I remember meeting you many years ago, first when I was living in Nashville in late 50's then again after you became an Evangelist over in Illinois at a High School near Gulfport/ Lomax area in the late 70's. It is good to see you are still preaching God's Holy word. I am unable to get out and go to church anymore, pretty crippled up with arthritis and no longer able to drive or even walk unaided. I love TCT.

NameLarry Williams
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MessageHey Jimmie,

I finally got around to sending you a note, and a donation. I watch you every week on TCT network, and enjoy your down to earth delivery and Bible study. Thank you for the hours of work and research it takes to produce and bring a study like yours. My donation is small, ($100.00) but I am retired, and my resources are limited. Again, thank you for the hours of preparation and study you put forth in your program. I hope this donation will help in some way.
Again Thank you and God Bless.

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageThank you for your preaching. We watch you on TCT. Through your teachings I learn and understand I'm very thankful for your preaching,I wish you were on longer.
GOD Bless You

NameJulia Armato
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MessageDear Mr.Snow,
I look forward to your detailed preaching. I'm glad you take your time. Hope you feel better soon. My Dad had cataract surgery, he told me he saw better after that than he ever did.
God bless you
Julia Armato

P.S. Praying for you

NameCharlotte Rundgren
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MessageTonight I was listening to your program that was speaking about President Trump moving the embassy to Jerusalem. You were saying that he is a great man for doing this. All through the Bible we read that God used ungodly people to accomplish his purpose, mostly because His people were NOT following his commands. No where do you read in the Bible that they received praise and acceptance. It was God accomplishing HIS plan because HIS people were not obeying HIM. President Trump does not exhibit any of the characteristics of one following the teachings of the Bible. He seems incapable of telling the truth, his heroes are people who do horrible things to their citizens and other peoples of the world -- the leader of Korea, Russia, China as examples. He defies the laws of our country, adultery, cheats people who work for him, surrounds himself with people who are criminals and do not respect law and order. All these things are documented and confirmed by him. How can you promote a person like that as a Christian? It goes against all of the teachings of the Bible. How can people be so blind to the teachings of the Bible? President Trump knows how to manipulate the spirit of the citizenry. There was a time when none of those characteristics would be acceptable. Now what was once right is wrong and what was wrong is truth. We need to be praying that eyes and ears will be open to God's truth. Church leaders better wake up and start speaking truth to power.

NameRick Granskog
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MessageDear Pastor Snow. Love your Preaching especially when you speak truth from your heart America needs this truth now more than ever.
Ordered your Dvd about Elvis and was such an amazing movie.I hope one day I can see you Preach!
Please more Preaching from your heart Even if you get off point, to me your actually on point!

God Bless Pastor Snow
Rick D Granskog

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