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NameJeff Anderson
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Sounds like you are having the time of your life, being baptized in the Jordan, what a blessing. Be careful jumping off the stage, you are not 10 years old anymore. I can not wait to see you. I pray that you finish your trip with glory and strength.

Wee ha Dave,

Love, Dad

NameJeff Anderson
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How fantastic that you are performing in Israel for your second year. I hope you are feeling good and I pray that you have a wonderful week. Finish the race strong and keep up your wonderful dance.

Your favorite DOT officer,


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MessageIt was a great pleasure to read the last post. There is so much love between the lines!
Love like this will save the world!
You are lucky people, Internationals, thank you for what you are!

NameJennifer's Aunt Kim
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MessageJen, I agree with your grandpa....I love the blogs too. I pray for your health and that you get to feeling a lot better. Keep drinking a lot of water it will help. Hope to hear from you when you get home.

Love you,
Aunt Kim

NameTiffany :)
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MessageHey mom and mike!! i saw that you guys got baptized and wanted to say congratssmilie And mom... LOOKIN GOOOOD!! haha I saw the pic with the army dudesmilie hes a cute one

NameGrandpa Good
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MessageDollar bills;

There was a $100 dollar bill and a $1 dollar bill. The $100 dollar bill said, "I've lived a good life. I've been to the amusement park, the theater, the zoo and baseball games."

"Wow," said the $1 dollar bill. "You sure have had a good life."

"Where have you been?" asked the $100 dollar bill.

"Oh, I've been to a Baptist church, a Methodist church, a Lutheran church and an Episcopal church."

The $100 bill said, "What's a church?"

Jonah and the whale;

One day, a teacher was talking to her first grade class about whales when a little girl had a question.

Little Girl: "Do whales swallow people?"

Teacher: "No, even though they are much bigger than a person, they have throat pleats that filter their food of krill and plankton.

Little Girl: "But Mrs. Thurston says Jonah was swallowed by a whale."

Teacher getting angry: "Blue whales cannot swallow people."

Little Girl: "Well, when I get to heaven I'll just ask Jonah if he was really swallowed by a whale."

Teacher, still red with anger: "What if Jonah went to hell?"

Girl: "Well, then you can ask him."

I hope you enjoyed them.

NameGrandpa Good
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We continue to pray for you. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I know God will bless all of you for what you are doing. I pray for your strength and endurance. I know He will see you through. Israel is going through a tough time right now and they need God's guidance to make the right decisions.

I also am glad to hear how much the performances bless the people who see them. The blogs are a blessing to me to be able to keep up with where you are and what is going on. I thank God for the technology and the people who know how to use it.


P.S. I am sending a joke in the next blog.

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MessageI am with Corrie - gonna stay up till 2 am! Baby - love you more than there is sand in all the deserts in all the world!
I am excited to see that God has answered my prayers and that you are experiencing the new!!!!!
have a restful time in Eilat - have fun at the Mall smilie !!! I am hysterical!

Mom - I miss you lots!

Rez boys - you ROCK!!!!

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MessageI love you Justin Friedman. You're the most handsome man in the world! Miss you smilie Claire says "hi! you're my favorite daddy!" Zeke says "I love you Abba!" We are all praying for you guys! I think I'm gonna stay up till 2 tonight smilie Love!

NameMary Faimon (Jenny's mom)
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MessageHi Jenny and Michael! Sure hated to hear that you're struggling with a sore throat now, Jenny. Wish I were there with my trusty med bag! We've gotten over 3" of rain this weekend! The pond is full, frogs are croaking, and there was even a salamander crossing the road when we came home from church! I've printed out all of the trip reports and put flags all over my map. Can't wait to hear about your trip firsthand! I'm going to visit Grandma tomorrow, so I'll take the picture of you beside the Jordan to show her. Isn't that cool that the Lord brought you to my mind the day you were renewing your baptismal vows?!? We're holding all of you in prayer. Love you guys so much.

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