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NameWayne (blog owner)

<iphone ringtone maker
<Date 2010-04-22
<Message A useful guide>
<Dude, so much AD here, why not clean them all?>

I took your advice and cleaned up the first page of my blog.It should load alot faster now.Thanks for suggesting this to me. I hope you return.

NameWayne (blog owner)
MessageDebt relief and Debt Settlement, I am glad that I was able to help you on your college assignment. I cannot email you with any more information because you did not leave your email address with me. You may be hesitant to do this because of the possibility of getting email viruses in the future,which I understand What kind of information do you need? You can leave me a message in this guestbook and I can make a blog post to you with the information or websites I know about relating to the topic,
Wayne smilie

NameDebt Relief
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageSorry for my bad english. Thank you so much for your good post. Your post helped me in my college assignment, If you can provide me more details please email me.

Nameiphone ringtone maker
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageA useful guide
Dude, so much AD here, why not clean them all?

NameWayne (blog owner)
MessageHi Doug,thanks for visiting my blog I am glad you enjoyed the annotated chess games you have found here to play through. Doug, I certainly will try and list more moves which my chess engines consider to be better than the move played by the person in the game and which the program evaluated as a blunder. Thanks for your input. In regards to your question concerning the Ivanchuk-Grischuk match. If Grischuk had played 20...Nxe5 then there is really one great move for Ivanchuk, which he could continue the game with. I say this because the move 20...Nxe5 ?? would be a blunder because then Ivanchuk can play 21.Bb6 and as you will now notice the black queen is trapped,it has no free square to move to and is attacked by the bishop.

It is interesting that you ask me to post a move which the chess engine considers better than the blunder, because some people at didn't think a chess program could give a better move than the blunder for some reason..go figure. I just had Rybka analyze another game from the Russian Team Chess Championship so I will post more alternatives to blunders the program provides. Doug,thanks again for your input and thanks for visiting and participating in my blog


Locationclick picture for more information
MessageThank you very much for annotating the chess games. I found your blog's URL on

One suggestion for the annotations: when listing a move as a blunder, would it be possible to list a better move(s) by Rybka?

Also, for the game Ivanchuk-Grischuk from the 2010 Russian Team Championships, what might white have played if 20...Nxe5?

NameWordpress Themes
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageAmiable brief and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you seeking your information.

Namecna training
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageMy cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!

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MessageThis is one of the more impressive blogs around. Balanced coverage of the natural world and more besides. Thanks very much for serving up a delicious and varied feast! I'll be back for second helpings soon!

NameWayne (blog owner)
MessageThanks cna training that is very kind of you, and of your cousin!.I will endevour to continue to maintain my blog like this so that you enjoy what I post.I hope both of you comment on things I post to my blog smilie

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