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MessageHey there! Just thought I'd drop you a note instead of being a totally lame lurker. Tate and Nora are adorable and I love the way you write! Say hi to Eric!!

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MessageHi! I'm a coworker of Beth's in MN and I love your blog! I have a 6 month old, so all of this is so funny! I totally did the carrying my daughter in her snowsuit while trying not to drop her and her looking at me like I'm crazy! smilie

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MessageYou already know I read your blog, and I'm sure you're thrilled, but just had to say I love love love the latest heading picture of the kids in their snowsuits. So cute!

MessageLove your blog! So much laughter and smiles! Love the new post of Tate looking like Fester, have to agree there is a resemblance lol

NameAshley Hall
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Messagei love your blog, its my new addiction next to facebook cuz every time you write something i laugh my @$$ off reading it! keep it up!

NameLori R
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Messageoh yeah, a kazillion dollars, I could use that much just about now.
I love reading your blog, but I'm glad my butt-wiping days are over! I found you when I was snooping around Momblogs.

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MessageHi there! Can't remember how I stumbled on you but you're pretty darn funny!

Thanks for the cute Fester image! He is just too cute!

NameBeth Anderson
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MessageYou are an amazing writer!

NameJanice M
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MessageYou're a talented writer! Very funny...and I can totally relate! smilie

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MessageI am soooooooo laughing! u are great!

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