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Private Message added 2009-02-10

Private Message added 2009-02-05

Private Message added 2009-01-24

NameNeil Ferguson
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageJust finished the guide to string theory. At 35, I start college as a freshman next week, shooting for a Master's in Physics. Your book doubled my resolve and tripled my excitement. I had a small germ of fear that, I know this sounds silly, everything was about to be figured out. You elegantly lay out what and how much we don't know and I'm thrilled at the prospect of generations of discory lying in wait. You've done a terrific job conveying counterintuitive and complicated concepts fairly simply and laymen will definitly appreciate the lack of math. My biggest thanks to you is in dangling the tastiest carrot of all before me: our ignorance. After all, how boring would it be if we knew everyhting? Kudos. Incidentally, for your marketing records, I heard about your book on Science Talk and luckily was one block from my local bookstore where I ordered it within one unit of Planck time after the interview finished.

NameAntonio Saraiva
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageEinstein is wrong

António Saraiva – 2008-07-13
[email protected]

Having two pairs of referentials, with some speeds, we can write the invariant Lorentz’s equations:

c2t12 – x12 = c2t22 – x22 = S122 and c2t32 – x32 = c2t42 – x42 = S342

The Einstein’s theory cares about only two referentials each time, never connect several referentials. But as it exists always a relative speed between the referentials 2 and 3 we can write:

c2t22 – x22 = c2t32 – x32 = S232

that means S122 = S232 = S342 = constant

According Einstein’s theory this value is a variable. Being S2 constant the spacetime doesn’t exist, because we can’t give independent values to x and t. Giving one value we can calculate the other. So, x and t are wavelength and period of an electromagnetic wave.
As in the universe all the referentials are connected by a relative speed, S2 is a universal constant. According to our calculations:

S2 = 4x10-34m2

So, the spacetime doesn’t exist and the vacuum light speed w is variable with the frequency.

w = ( c2 – S2f2 )1/2

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi George (If I can call you that)

Have you read Physicist
Victor Stenger's book "GOD: The Failed Hypothesis"? In this book, he posits the following:

A state of nothingness, or a void, would be perfectly
symmetrical because it would not change under any
point of view. Nothingness would possess symmetry.
According to Noether's Theorem, Physical Symmetry
equals Conservation Laws. General Relativity follows
from the assumption that all "points of view" are
equal. So does Galilean and Special Relativity. Thus,
the laws of physics can originate from Nothing!
Physicist Victor Stenger has made a list of some of
the most important laws of physics, and which symmetry
they originate from. The Laws (and/or Physical
Constants) which do not follow directly from Noether's
Theorem may have been caused by Spontaneous Symmetry
Breaking. I was unable to post the link, but plenty of information is available on Stenger's web site.

Does this scenario seem realistic/convincing?


Private Message added 2008-04-10

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