evilfantasys' blog guestbook

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MessageDefinitely a great blog! Also glad to have you onboard, Kevin.

I certainly hope your site, as well as this blog prosper.

All my best!


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Messagevisited your site man so much info so hard to understand it all hope I don't get any more viruses and junk. once again thanks for the all the help you provided smilie

MessageYou have been of great help in cleaning the mess in my laptop! The brief and clear webpage is just like your guidance - short and to the point.
Thank you!!!

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MessageThanks for all your help yesterday cleaning and checking my system.

'Music', you said to listenned to metal and rock. That could mean alot of things depending on our age. I am 49. Anyway as for 'limewire'; I put in the search "Robert Plant' because I ran across a TV PBS channel concert he was putting on. Darn if I can't rember the name of the album or who he was accompanied by. As for searching I couldn't find the specific cd of that concert. I found music under Robert Plant & the Strange Sensation. I don't think that is what I am looking for entirely. I should have bought the TV priced CD at the time but I didn't want to pay PBS prices. The CD was a collection of all the old Led Zep songs redone; quite exotically I might add.

Anyway, if you listen to 'tool'. In limewire I found the LZ song 'No Quarter' by Tool. Pretty good if you ask me.


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MessageThanks for stopping in Patio. smilie I just launched this the other day then added it to my sig. Trying to frustrate myself with a new learning curve lol smilie

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MessageHa !

Never spotted this in your sig til today !
Good to swing by...nice page.
Take Care,
patio. smilie

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MessageWelcome smilie

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