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Messagesmilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie I want a tail with a monofin if anyone knows how please tell me thanks

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Messagesmilie smilie hey remember me jasgurl1 well i printed out the contact page and gave it to my mom she said we will see if im getting a tail and when ii order the tail im just gonna copy and paste the picture and make it so it will fill up half of the page and i will either copy and paste the note at the bottom explaining what the tail is and how it works like the adds at the bottom of the picture and add a little bit of details to it

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MessageOkay im getting the blue on black shimmery scales scence i cant order another one. Im so excited and im not like a teenager yet or a preteen but im almost a preteen i might send pictures of me in my tail. Umm can I get a tail in la seirene I think thats what it is called.

Private Message added 2008-02-22

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Messagei signed up and I couldent log in I went to my website and it dident even work it said i couldent find me or something smilie smilie smilie smilie

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Messageyou all really need to get more material colors n stock im soupposed to be ordering a tail but theres no color i want i want either mint glitter or the light blue buble but you guys dont even have galeries for 2007 and its 2008 im not saying this in a bad way you all have nice tails and a nice website but all im saying is just to pick up on the galeries and the matireals colors and people will want to order tails like every hour or day smilie smilie smilie

Namemermaid bry and merman jr
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Messagewell she had a blast and got a real splash out of it she loved it and was swiming faster than me so we had a great time with the taqil thanks to fmp she had a long time dream made true for her now she can tell all of her friends not to get me wet or ill turn into a fish

your merfolk freinds mermaid bry and merman jr smilie

NameMermaid Sara
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MessageMe and my friend are saving up to get a tail each so we can swim this summer! I can't wait! smilie

Namemermaid heather
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Messagehi im a really big mermaid fan and im saving up my own money to buy a tail this summer.if you have any suggestions please contact me.

mermaid heather smilie

Nameya ray
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Messagesmilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie ha ha i love mirmads hahaha i spelled wron
smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie

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