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It is great for us to know who is reading our blog ... and who is making the comments!!!!! Joke, Joke.

Thanks for taking time .. please write anything you would like to see added to our blog and we will see what we can do. 
Every blessing to you and your family ...

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NameOnline Stock Trading
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MessageYour site was extremely interesting, especially since I was searching for thoughts on this subject last Thursday.

NameTony Brown
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MessageI don't know If I said it already but ...Hey good stuff...keep up the good work! smilie I read a lot of blogs on a daily basis and for the most part, people lack substance but, I just wanted to make a quick comment to say I'm glad I found your blog. Thanks,)

A definite great read..Tony Brown

NameCynthia Eng
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MessageDear Ps Mark, I went back to read the posts you wrote in May and they felt closer to my heart because now, I know most of those people you mentioned, in person. What an honour! smilie

And you know what? I surprised myself that my words in the comments on your post (May 11) came to past 3 months after! To apprehend further, and deeper...and hoping to see you again, soon. It's so cool! Our Abba Father is so good! Woohoo!!

Now...I HOPE to read more of your posts on the happenings in Santiago City and your thoughts. Let it come to past, will ya? *hint hint*


Private Message added 25-07-2009

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Messagetks for the effort you put in here I appreciate it!

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NameJacqueline Watt
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MessageHello.You spoke at the Zion in September when one of my daughters was baptised, Alisha from New Hope. I was speaking to your brother Paul today, (i work in B N Q)and he told me about your blog. I recieved your tx two weeks ago via Roselyn Bruce(Johnston)and have been praying for you all hoping the damage was not severe.Good to see the photos, still smiling. It makes us appreciate how lucky we are living where we do.
Hope you dont ming me sending this.
Jacqueline Watt
PS going to visit your cousin David and Janice this Thursday as we were friendly when they lived here.

NameBrad and Kathy Bouwkamp
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MessageHello Pastor Mark and Mary,

We apologize for not writing more often. We do read your blog every week and pray for you and your work in Sefton Village often.

Our prayers are with all of you as so many families have been lost everything in the typhoon that went through last week. Tell everyone that prayers are being lifted up on their behalf on the other side of the world...here in the USA.

It was heartwrenching to see the pictures and how high the water is. Thank you for the video and pictures, it helps us to know what specifically to pray for.

We have been home a year already, that is so hard to believe! We miss the Philippines and the Filipino people so much. You are right, they are always smiling even in the midst of adversity. They are so resiliant.

May God bless all of you there and the work that you continue to do there in sharing the gifts God has blessed you with. Hugs and prayers to you!

Love, Brad, Kathy, Beth & Alex Bouwkamp
Jenison, USA

Nameken healey
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MessageHi Mark
This is the 1st. time I have visited, I am humbled and impressed by the believers over there.
I will be praying for you


NameAllan Marshall
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MessageWhat can I say other than I am in awe of you all please hear my heartfelt admiration and know I will be praying even more earnestly now. Some would say they see floods but I see oppurtunity for revival. God's glory will be all the brighter.
You remain one of my heros

Allan Marshall

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