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Message(i know its early but, my internet access isnt reliable and i dont want to miss it)smilie <-- thats me dancing while singing "happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to my amazing 11year old kyle happy birthday to you!!!!!" all though you cant hear it im sure you can imagine sure mom can do it for and it almost be the same. when i went to visit our aunts in Minnesota they were so awed at how much our actions are very similar. that was my last big travel..yet it can't compare you yours. i am so excited that you get to experience something that not many 11 year olds get to. I LOVE YOU with all of my heart and can't wait to see you when you get home.

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MessageHey Kyle, I have been reading all the fun and intresting adventures you and your parents have been through and I look forward to reading all of them your dad send us. I am so happy for all and just wanted to wish you all a happy new year! this is one you will never forget!
take care and luv ya all
Brandy smilie

NameCarol Conrad
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MessageKyle, we are old friends of your Grandma Vicki and your Mom & Dad. We so enjoy reading about all your adventures. The education you are receiving from your travels will stay with you for a lifetime. You are an excellent writer.
Give your parents a hug from Bob & I. smilie

NameMichael Brown
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Messagesmilie Kyle,
Very intresting, it looks like your haveing a great time. I heard about your blog on an officiating web site.
Have fun.
Michael smilie

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MessageKyle you are the most amazing kid I ever saw! I remember you at the Sunday beach in PB when you were a baby barely crawling around in the sand and seaweed. When I ran into your dad when he and yr mom were back in San Diego before the trip he said he was taking his 10 year old and I thought- 10 yr old? It took awhile to realize all that time had passed and it was you.
You are just an incredible writer- you made me laff out loud a couple times with your observations. I can only wonder what will your life be like after this amazing adventure. When I was 10- well I would ride the bus by myself around the city I lived in but I only had been in 2 states of the US till I was 20 years old. OK Kyle- Wishing you all the best and happy Christmas to you and your mom and dad- Happy Trails... smilie

NameGayla Miller
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MessageKyle....I think of you so often and am always sending up a prayer for your safety and happiness!
Your friend, Gayla Miller, Cayucos

NameMary B.
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MessageHi Kyle! Great web site. I cry almost everytime I read your guy's letters home. They are tears of
gratitude! I love following you so keep sending the updates. Tell your mom and dad hi and Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Love, Mary

NameB. K. Richard
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MessageHi, Kyle
Your trip is awe inspiring. I keep wondering how this will change your life, and what you'll end up doing, and to what will you be committed after this incredible journey.
It's a priviledge to have such a trip. It's also incredibly courageous of you and your parents to sieze the opportunity and GO!!
Best wishes,
B. K. Richard (SLO)

NameVirginia Martinez
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Messagesmilie Hi I work with your Dad at Santa Maria Superior Court. What a fabulous experience. Love your blogspot. Please keep it up. Great job. Praying for you guys safety.

NameJuvi Office
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MessageI Kyle,
smilie We here at the juvi office are enjoying your websight and love the pics. Telll your dad that Jessica's only remark about his picture was, "Man, he's all harry." smilie We can tell your having a wonderful time! HAPPY THANKSGIVING and many blessings to you, mom and dad! Barbara, Jessica, Gina, and Von smilie PEACE

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