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NamePera Bogdan
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageCao Zemljak,

drago mije da vidim da imas i ti jako lepi Psi ,sajt ti je odlincna.

Zelim ti puno uspeha u odgoj Dobermana

veliki ozdrav


Novi Sad / Germany

Namewanda & adelard
Locationclick picture for more information

We wish you a good 2008.
All the best for the future with your dogs and family. smilie

Best regards,

from Holland smilie

Locationclick picture for more information
I just stopped by at your homepage and
your dogs is very beautiful. Wish you the best for the future with your dogs
We wish you merry christmas and a happy new year.For 2008 all the best. Please take a minute and sign our guestbook.
Best regard fron Hennie and Gino

NameTravis Britton
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Milan,
Great web-site, and even better dobermanns. I purchased Sweet Sheron Stone od Telepa from you and she is absolutly wonderful. I plan to train her in Schutzhund here in the U.S. She has great drives, and already has a full bite on the sleve. Also as my mission statement here at Britton Farms Dobermans says, we are trying to improve the dobermann breed here in the U.S. one mating at a time, and by adding top quality dobermanns to our breeding program, like the dobermanns you raise, this will be a much easier task for us. Thank You again, and keep up the good work in your breeding program,

Thank You, smilie
Travis Britton

NameRodney A. Stephens
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHello my friend you have very beautiful dogs!

NameSilvia Grimm
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHello,congratulations on a brilliant Website and great Dogs,
best wishes,Silvia,Bernd and Standardpoodles. smilie

NameMitar Krivokapic
MessageMilane ,bio sam na Cetinju u bebi klasi sam ucestvovao i ocjenjen je kao vrloperspektivan pas .Sto mi je najbitnije dobio sam pohvale od sudija i od ljudi koji drze odgajivacnice.Bas sam zadovoljan.Naravno vas sam reklamirao u majci dao sam par ljudima vas broj.Pobjedio je momak iz Ct sa psom Jaguar di altobello 1 god ali cekam ga za par mjeseci .Njemu se bas svidjelo moje stene.Cak jedan covjek hoce sad da kupi zenku jel je vidio kako izgleda moj pa da je pari ba smijesno al tako.Puno pozdrava pa se cujemo!!!Poslacu vam Slike.

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MessageZdravo!!!KAko ste Milane steneto e mnogu dobro pa ce se slusneme ponatamu i ako mozeda ni kazete vo vrska vo ishranata na steneto i sto moze pobrzo pisete na e-mailot!!!!!!Pozdrav od Prilep-Macedonia i da kazam deka kuceto e super ima mnogu dobar izgled cvrsto e i ne se plasi od nikoj i mnogu brzo se sprijateli so mene i so mojata familija i pisi.Pozdrav od Prilep-Macedonia

NameMitar Krivokapic
MessageZdravo milane sajt je super.Drago mi je radi Sweet Sharon Stone .Moj mali raste kao lud ,jako se brzo razvija i prezadovoljan sam.Nisam se pokajao sto sam uzeo iz tvog legla psa.Bio sam kod par ljudi koji drze odgaivacnice po Cg i odusevljeni su i jako ,,PREPANUTI'' jel cu im sve medalje pokupit na izlozbe smilie .Veliki pozdrav pa se vidimo u avgustu.Iznenadices se.

Nameodonnat teddy
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHello Mr RUDOVIC I like very much your site and grof boy especially it is magnificent good continuation smilie

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