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MessageWow! I did'nt realise you had a website. After seeing your performance at Wimbledon I just had to say hello. And that you are awesome! smilie

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MessageČau Nicole,
poslední dobu máš nějak moc smůlu na zranění a onemocnění smilie Ten Fed cup je fakt škoda doufám ,že to holky zmáknou i bez nejlepší české tenistky smilie Musim říct , že jak jsi hrála na Wimbledonu proti Mauresmo bylo fakt naprosto famozní!!!Zápas hodně o nervy..Hlavně první set..Skutečně pěknej zápas! smilie Doufam , že se uzdravíš brzo a opět nám ukážeš co umíš!!!
Good Luck!!! smilie

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Messagehey nicole i hope u do really well in us open badluck in wimbledon i saw that match u just have to be more relaxed coz u can't affrod to make mistakes lyk that on really important points exspecially against ana ivanovic anyway i hope u do well for the rst of this year!! smilie smilie

NameEdilson Rios Lima
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Messagesmilie Hi Nicole, I have looked your evolution , i don´t have doults , you will be number 1 You and ivanovic they will have many battles, they will go to dominate world circuit.

Congratulations smilie

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MessageWEll nicole i knew about u since u were 16 and was waiting to see you play finally got a chance at last years french have got a perfect game,all the shots in the book just a bit of concentration is needed.ALL THE BEST

NameAndy ,
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MessageHi Nicole. I've followed your career since Roland Garros 2006. As a 43 year old I'VE BEEN WATCHING TENNIS SINCE 1972. Let me tell you you have the perfect game and physical stature to win Wimbledon. You just need to try and relax and slow down a little on the very crucial points. Think of them not as a problem but a door opening for you. They are the gateway to your dreams. All the best for the rest of the season. ;

Nameümit terzioğlu
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Messagesmilie we believe that you can success in this. long time hear no you msn. see you later.

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All i have to say is, whether it was ur toughest loss or not, u can only get better from here, u've got Age on ur side. I've been following ur progress from last yrs Aus Open and ur progress has been remarkable. I'm sure u'll do very well in future. And i heard that ur very close to ur family, i'm sure u draw a lot of support from them, it will only make u stronger as a person.
Good Luck.

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MessageI wish that the Wimbledon website smilie had more of her early-round matches available to watch, but I did watch her match against Ivanovic from that site. I look forward to learning more and reading more on this site. I am hoping that she finds much success at the US Open. -MikeUSA

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MessageI just have seen last interview .I had only emotions,was dark and grey all past daysmilie.Like that journalist i asked:smilieis that was toughest loss? You helped me with Your answer.Hope to forget that day,i'm so emotinonal s You ,have same feelings.Wish You all the best ,My only One!

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