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DateNovember 24, 2008, 11:06
MessageAisha: DORAEMON?? Hahahahha!!! part ni aku TERingat ko ckp DORAEMON! During one of the tranings, sik jbonds, tk salah aku IFAH ckp, " Kak Nana Abg nizam nya muka mcm "Ashton Kutcher"! Skali tu ko ckp, "Ah yelah, ohh!!! Matair aku korang panngil Doraemon! Nana punyer korang panggil ""Ashton Kutcher""! hahahaha!!

Ifah/Jbonds: Asal Doraemon?? jauh seh muka abg naz ngan Doraemon, Abg Nizam plak, JAAAAUUUUHHH Lagik ngan muka Ashton KutchEEERRRR!! Hahahaha! smilie

DateNovember 24, 2008, 12:37
Messageain : plain mask can be found at bugis. near the this fashion. where all the party stuffs are. smilie

NameAin Gorjez
DateNovember 24, 2008, 12:21
MessageHappy 15th Anniversary to us all!!!!!

Ku tak janji boleh join. (Jadi orang tak komplen kene prekk) Tpai akan ku chuber sedaya upaya untuk menghadirkan diri.. takmo last minit plan ahh..Acutally esplanade is not a bad idea. rooftop boleh buat jumpshots.. aku otw boleh beli darling i nyer album kat hmv... hmmm..

Oh yes, i was thinking if anyone knows where to get plain/decorated masks? Pasal aku nk jadi anak yang baik, buatkan mask utk orang tuek ku punyer d&d... theme: masquerade.. hahaha smilie

DateNovember 23, 2008, 10:55
Messageyup yup. fun abis semalam! hehe. 4 orang pun kecoh ek.

cuma ada org tu tertumpahkan air. buat spoil betul la. *act innocent* hehe. sorry ekkk irah!

esplanade? i anything. smilie

NameDya @ Bikeladae
DateNovember 23, 2008, 6:38
MessageNyah takpe...i suke kena prek...hahaha in the end EMPAT org turun ek...seronok sekali and lagi satu best part...i BASAH KUYUP! hahahaha siak siak... kite sempat spy aisyah jap..da spy teroz cabot p karaoke...its a nice place actually not bad ah..dapat air bubble tea free...hahaha next time kite go again k babes? eh btw besok amacam?? sape2 mau lepakingz..? go esplanade ah...kite p spot baik nye le lepak...aku selalu tangkap feeling sorang2 pat sane...amacam?

NameAin yang Gorjez
DateNovember 22, 2008, 6:16
MessageAishah: this smiley smilie reminds me of that person yang ko kenen pat Jun. hahahahaahahaha

BTW, sorry girls, gua kene paitao lu orang.wabak sakit malas campur dgn wabak sakit poket dah menular... smilie

DateNovember 22, 2008, 9:41
MessageHahaha wah wah wah. Ada plan nak jealouskan aku semua.. takpe, aku ingattt... hahaha

btw korg kalau kat ecp blang aku. jadi aku ble kaypo kaypo. smilie

aku need pictures. wd graphic yg belakang tshirt. and gambar yg sneak peek b4 bday wahana kelmarin. email me at [email protected] asap k? aku nak buat website sebelum termalas. hehe.

Alamak aku miss pentas. Dgr2 bagus. Doraemon ah ni, dia kene keje beh dia tk belikan i tix. boo.

Ira Curly:
U behave urself ahh at ecp. Nvm mummy noe u gd gerl. smilie

NameAin yang Gorjez
DateNovember 22, 2008, 3:15
MessageWahhh seharian tak check blog, bermacam2 aku miss...

Anyways, PENTAS is finally over. (aku tak realize its my fifth pentas.. hahaha)

Set ahhh.. walaupon aku shag nak mampos, demi nyahs ku, i sanggup!! Kite chill pill ah..

NameDya @ Bikeladae
DateNovember 22, 2008, 2:11
MessageAhakz...agree sak... dia nye pitch fuh... perangai siol...hahaha and best part ape tau...suara aisyah je kuat hahahaha and CLEAR korang dgr betol2 hahaha... but it was a great time...anyway korang2 try making urself free tiz monday k? kite lepakz...and sape free saturday nak lepak ECP juz give me a cal most prob anrd 4 pat ecp..we MIGHT go cycling lau tak pun we take Lots n LOts of pics k...kite practice utk photoshoot ah k..wakakaka

DateNovember 21, 2008, 8:23
MessageLizaaa aku tk tumpahkan minyak la, aku cumer terjatuhkan tutop dier time kak fid nyer surprise.

Video kecoh ah. Pitch punye high maner nak dapat tu?

p/s: yang tumpahkan air time training kakak aku. dier baru admit semalam. smilie

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