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MessageWow and Wow again. I was looking at a thread regarding Sunglasses and clicked on your Blog. You and your Hubbie are an inspiration. I am excited for you. Marathons and Ultras next. Keep up the great work. smilie

Private Message added 09-04-2007

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MessageHi Jenny,
I found you from the RW forums and love your story--it's very inspiring! Hope to come across you again on the forums! You look absolutely beautiful!

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MessageJwimmer- Thanks for response earlier! It was very helpful!! My bad...300miles of snowmobile trails & 2 warming houses in Rusk.


NameSue B
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MessageYour site has been good for me. I'm excited to get going on my "transformation". I bought a treadmill and have gotten started with exercise. Will keep in touch. You should be very proud at both of your hard work! Sue

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MessageMy husband saw your comment on my blog, and I told him about your story. I showed him the before and after blog, and he is just in awe of the transformation in your lives. Me too! You are a great inspiration.

I see a post that your husband is blogging now. I've gotta check out his blog too.

Keep runnin', girl!

NameRandy W
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageFound your Blog via the RWOL forum. All I can say is WOW. smilie I'm inspired by the change you have made in your lives. Congratulations!

smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie

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