Welcome to Allison Crowe's Homesite Guestbook!
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I saw you in London last year and was overwhelmed. Thanks for including London in your tour next month. I'm looking forward to another evening of beautiful music on Oct 20th. Your voice is amazing! Best of luck in everything you do.

NameChantal Messier
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHey there Allison,

Congrats for all you have accomplished in the past year; you must be bloody exhausted!

Bummer that I missed your last show in Montreal, however, I should be flying to England on October 20th, so perhaps I'll see you in London on the 21st.

All the best for the release of your new album (which I have already ordered of course!) and your upcoming tour.

À bientôt!
Chantal }smilie

Private Message added 30-08-06

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI have just recently been introduced to your music. You have a marvelous voice. I would love to see you in concert someday. Is there any chance that someday you will head down to the southeast part of the United States to tour? (I live in South Carolina)

Keep up the beautiful music.

Dave smilie

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We're trying out a new guestbook here - one that has a verification system in place, to try and keep a few steps ahead of the spambots (automated spammers) currently messing up the online world.

Welcome, as ever!

We'll have word of Allison's new album soon! smilie

peace, Adrian (Allison Crowe Music Management)

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