Hi everyone - thanks for viewing Michelle's South American Adventures!  Please sign the guest book, letting me know what you are up to as well as an email address so I can keep in touch!  Hope all is well!

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NameRegina Fitzgerald
MessageHey!This ia awsome! Can you believe your mother is e-mailing you. I will check on you everyday. You have a wonderful day and remember how proud I am of you. Love Ya!

NameNicole Boyd
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHey Michelle!!!!

I'm really glad you sent me your link so we can keep in touch! Gotta love Facebook! So, when do you leave for South America? That is going to be sooo exciting for you! Even more exciting than me moving.....that's right. I am finally leaving South Bend, and it only took me 22 years! I'm moving to Phoenix, AZ at the end of the month (not even, it's actually August 23!) So, if you're ever out towards the west coast, let me know! Anyways, take care! I hope all is well for you, and GOOD LUCK!!! smilie

Locationclick picture for more information
Messagetest smilie

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