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Private Message added 2009-03-29

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Messagewhat a great show girls... smilie I'm very happy to did not miss you for the 10th celtic night in Attert. I hope to have a chance to see you again soon...
A new fan for ever and a day smilie
With love

NameElric & DJ McHenry
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageIt was a such a great pleasure to "discover" such unexpected gloriously beautiful music being made by Liadan at the Dallas, Texas festival last weekend! I am ashamed to say that I had not hear you before. How is that possible for someone who loves traditional Irish and Scottish music? We miss too much of the vibrant Irish music here in Texas. Come again soon! My wife DJ and I look forward to your next CD.
Elric N. McHenry/Friendswood, TX, USA

NameMolly Bibb
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageThanks so much for coming to Dallas,Tx and the NTIF.
We really enjoyed your music. I hope you enjoyed your stay. We would love to have you back.
I am enjoying the cd's.

Molly Bibb smilie

NameMike & JoAnn Phillips
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MessageMy wife and I saw Líadan at the North Texas Irish Festival in Dallas. We really enjoyed the show. We're going to keep our eyes on your website for news on your 2nd CD.

Namejose dominguez
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MessageNo hablo ingles y menos gaelico (aunque me gustaria) , me encantó vuestro concierto en las Palmas de Gran Canaria.Estoy seguro que en otras fechas como el WOMAD seriais las mejores.Soys uno de los mejores grupos de musica irlandesa que he oido, espero verlas pronto. Un beso dede Las Palmas. Gracias por regalarnos vuestra cultura!!! smilie we love you!!! smilie

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MessageHello, girls!!!

I enjoyed a lot yesterday night in Las Palmas with your beautiful concert.

You are fantastic. So young and so good musicians and singers.

Good luck!!! smilie

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your music is great you have any plans to come to holland .....i am sure you would have many fans here

Hugs Angel

NameMick Worsfold
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MessageI had heard some of your tracks on Live Ireland which I enjoyed very much.

As requested my family brought your CD as a Christmas gift, it spends more time in the CD player than in the rack, a testament to a super collection of musical tracks performed so well.

Thank you for providing hours of great listening.



NameJohn(Johnny) Sheppard
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHello from Richmond, I was lucky enough to catch your shows at the folk festival.I brought my son to see the second show.(my grandmother was a music teacher from Mayo)I am also a musician and I was truly inspired buy your live performances and your cd.You girls have so much soul that can be heard and felt in your vocals and instruments I feel fortunate to have heard you.I think your instrumentation is perfect!
Sincerely,Johnny Sheppard

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