Serena's Travels - Guestbook

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Serena X

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MessageThanks Govind,

I'm glad you enjoyed.

I am currently using a fuji S3pro, with an 18-250 Tamron lens right now, as I'm still travelling.

I'll be back in India towards the end of the year for a couple of months, and I'm already looking forward to it.

Warm regards,


Locationclick picture for more information
Messagelovely site, and i loved the pics; can i know the camera and lenses used? i am impressed by the clarity in your pics! Hope you do visit india again...


Namemark levy
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHello Serena,

I was doing a google search with the word OVERLAND and up popped your site, and book.

At first I was concerned, but relaxed shortly after I perused your site.

You see, I have a novel coming out in about two weeks called OVERLAND...funny, huh?

But it's a novel, very fictional but it does cross from Europe to Asia, and the main characters get stuck in Kabul, Afghanistan the day the Soviets invade Dec.27, 1979.

You, probably more than most folks, would like itsmilie

Please send me an email and would like to speak with you more..I too rank India as my number 1!!!

Hope to hear from you,


Locationclick picture for more information
Messagesmilie Hi Serena:
Thank you very much for your pictures which give me a great help in my job is international market analysis,usually I need to learn more about the foreign market from the pictures on the net.
The above is my MSN number.I hope I can become friends with you.
I come from china .Welcome to china when you have spare time .
your's truly

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageGreat stuff Serena. Keep on the road! smilie

XX Gar

Private Message added 2009-02-21

Namehayden barnie
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagehi serena

sweet photos! hey im heading to cambodia/vietnam soon, and im interested in doing the phnom penh - saigon mekong river tour that you did. can you put me in touch with that tour company?

many thanks


NameJohn Rogatski
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageWow! fantastic smilie

Namepurnendu banerjee
Locationclick picture for more information
Messageu r so goodlooking.
i'm purnendu from india (kolkata).
i have seen your site. very good.
i can give you very good information about. indian culture, pilgrime history. if u need.
u can mail [email protected]

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageDo you know the contribution of your Government to the poverty and under-development of Ethiopia by installing "friendly tyrannts" like Meles Zenawi. If the colonial powers returned all what they have taken from Africa, Africa could have better roads and other amenities for its people. The human and natural resources exploitation continues thanks to the "friendly tyrannts" who are enemies of their own people.

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