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Locationclick picture for more information
How did you find my site?Myspace
Are you an artist?no
MessageLove the site! Great job, amazing work, will be checking back in to see more! Keep it up! xoxo smilie

Locationclick picture for more information
How did you find my site?Godsmack, somehow
Are you an artist?yes, not professionally though
If so, what is your field of study?photography, writing and various media arts
MessageThis site looks awesome! I absolutely love your style, and I am really glad I found your site!! You are very inspiring both as an artist and as a strong female, keep up the good work. You rock!
XX Jeanne smilie

NameMegan Rahn
Locationclick picture for more information
How did you find my site?myspace
Are you an artist?photographer
MessageThe site looks great! Good work!

Locationclick picture for more information
How did you find my site?Godsmack Forum
Are you an artist?so, so
If so, what is your field of study?drawing, web design.
Messagegreat site, keep up the good work. smilie

Locationclick picture for more information
How did you find my site?Godsmack board
Are you an artist?Nah
MessageCool site! Very nice work. Keep it up. Oh, and you're beautiful.

Locationclick picture for more information
How did you find my site?through Kosco
Are you an artist?yup
If so, what is your field of study?pencil, color markers
MessageGeeez I should of stayed in school so I could of been as good as you in Graffic Design. But then again I would have never have gotten to meet you or any of the Saint Caine guys. smilie

Locationclick picture for more information
How did you find my site?You're on my friend's list on myspace
Are you an artist?Sorta
If so, what is your field of study?Want to be a photographer & do some modeling
MessageHey Dom,

SIZZZZZZZLING site babe! I love ALL of it. I noticed some of your photographs of you were missing when I went to click on the thumbnail. You know if you come out with your own clothing line I'm going to be completely broke smilie

I hope I can model with you some day. I love the back woods, the rock stuff, the bathroom series and your own personal style that you photographed (awesome pinup styles).

I LOVE the wood burning! I might have to get something customized from you like a pentacle and wolf and maybe a little Godsmack smilie

I loved the Met & GS stuff you did...AWESOME....

Your artwork of Sully and also of Shannon...nicely done. Mad props to you my dear!

Lots of skullz n' Fishnet love,

PS I like what you have to say about your rules, do's and don'ts, very well done.

Locationclick picture for more information
How did you find my site?myspace
Are you an artist?yes
If so, what is your field of study?make-up-beauty
MessageHey Dom,

Your site looks great. smilie Very cool. smilie

Locationclick picture for more information
How did you find my site?duh, your on my myspace..
Are you an artist?I write poems does that count?
If so, what is your field of study?Poems
Messagesmilie Your web site kicks ass!! fully detailed!!! Love it girl keep up the Eville work smilie
Blessed Be
x x x

Locationclick picture for more information
How did you find my site?You're on my myspace and GS boards
Are you an artist?eh...
MessageHey Dom! Great job you've done here! Keep up the great work! smilie

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