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I still have to go through the website. But had overview and specially a part of Sanskrit scripting.Great work, Thanks to the team of FozIber-Meena

NameYann Gabriel Carlier
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MessageObrigado pelos links de Sanskrit.

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Messagesmilie What a great web you have there. I am wayting for the end of some texts and hopping that you soon will relize that.
Thanks a lot

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageWhat a great web you have there. I am wayting for the end of some texts and hopping that you soon will relize that.
Thanks a lot

NameFozIber Team
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MessageWe thank you all a lot for you free us to use your works, like your great photographic art and this is what the FLICKR community means: a great and united family. Because of this so great gestures of friendship we deep thank you all.
Few are the ones who comment our works and to all of you our heart are thankful. Well, we understand the ones who do not comment being the main reasons: no time, I was only passing by, I don't wont my e-mail there, etc. Well, the e-mail will never appear here like all of you can observe.
Your comments help us a lot to assume a more direct position at our works.

NameKazu Shimura
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I saw your editorial, and thought looks nice. contrast or
font colour is not so problem.
one thing is i am not "her" but "his".... anyway, that does
not matter for me at all..

wish good year to you


Locationclick picture for more information
Messagehello, thanks for your proposal.
it would be totally OK for you to use my drawwing.
I saw your page, and seems nice.

wish you have nice year !


NameRicardo Sasaki
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MessageCaro amigo,

Por uma daquelas coincidencias da internet que você mesmo menciona em seu site, acabei chegando em sua página, na qual menciona os dois sites que estão sob minha supervisão.
Então, passei para agradecer a referência e o fato de incluir uma seção de Buddhismo Theravada em seu site. Coincidentemente, estarei em breve em Portugal, para dirigir um curso e um retiro de Theravada.

um abraço cordial do Brasil

Ricardo Sasaki (Dhanapala)
Comunidade Buddhista Nalanda

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MessagePortuguese floor on Japan

Hello, you are welcome to include the photo in your web
site as long as I am given credit, a link to my flickr site
will do. Hope it'll help to illustrate your idea.

NamePaula Marina
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagesmilie Re: Calçada Portuguesa no Mundo

Olá !

Sim, pode usar a foto.



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