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White Trash Peg

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NameSteve@UnseenForces of NJ
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHey Great Site!! Very informative! Check out ours!! www.unseenforces.org
We are located in South Jersey and offer free investigations to homeowners and business owners!!
Keep up the great work!
Founder of Unseen Forces of South Jersey

NameJessica Baas
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageDirections to Plum Creek...
I used to live in the area, and have visited the pits. I don't know road names and mileage, but I can almost go there in my sleep. I will e-mail later if I get all the information.
Happy Haunting,
Jess B. smilie

Private Message added 2005-10-19

Locationclick picture for more information
Messagei just wanna say i am OBSESSED with demented early recipes....i remember being able to score tons of recipe cards (circa 1970) from a thrift shop. the worst one by far was a pimento shake and an anchovy gelatine mold...welp, i wanna see more weirdness, so keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!! smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie

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