~ My Chinese Dream ~
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MessageIf it is 8 hours for you to Mali that means that when I wake up in the am, you will have her. How exciting! We are all anxious for pix. Even more anxious to meet her in RI. Yes, I will be happy to see you too, Ali! smilie

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MessageThe anticipation is killing me......I hope it will last.......
this is worse than than pregnancy!!!

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MessageHi Ali. Glad things are going well, finally. I will be restless all day tomorrow at work. I will be watching the clock. Looking forward to coming home and seeing a pic of your Mali in your arms. Your almost their!

NamePat Lynch
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looks like no fun so far! Get some sleep and Tuesday will be sooooooo exciting!!

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MessageGod bless you,
You have had a wild trip already.
I will be watching your blog, my husband and I are going to get are little girl soon (waiting for our travel date).

Good Luck, I can't wait to see pictures of your daughter.

Heather - Virginia Beach

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MessageSweet dreams my Ali. Just 3 more days and your little angel will be in your arms. PS Dalton will have his Iguana wrapped in pretty purple wrap for Mali Sue.

NameJoannah McKee
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MessageI love your blog and I will be checking in to see how your trip progresses. I'm sorry that today was frustrating. Hang in there! You've almost got her! smilie

NameMissy (a Moonbeam)
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MessageHey Allison- wow! Can't believe its getting so close to your travel (a tad jealous - but my sweet Chloe will be waiting when we finally travel) Hope you and your Mom have a great trip over - we'll be checking in... hoping for lots of cute Mali pix!!!
Big Moonbeam Hugs - Missy

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MessageI love your Blog !!!!

Hard work???

Have a nice and safe trip!!!!

NamePaul & Laura Flavin
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Congratulations are finally in order! Mali is absolutely beautiful and we're so glad your long wait is finally over. You can start to enjoy motherhood and your new life together.

We wish you all the best and hope we can meet Mali on her next visit to Rhode Island.

Much love,

Paul, Laura, Kyle and Lucas Flavin

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