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NameSisterCarolAnn Clark
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI found your website over Christmas via God-incidence not Co-incidence.
I found you, wrote you then forgot how to find you again.
All of my Social Medio is through my little cell phone. That's how I loose someone. Did I find you on Facebook? Landscape Magazine?
I would like to write you a proper letter without these flashing and dancing boxes on a screen. Not very good for a seizure disorder.
My information follows
SisterCarolAnn Clark
AssociateCongregation Jesus and Mary (Eudist Fathers)
EM1 [email protected]
EM2 [email protected]
Facebook SisterCarolann Clark
address C/O Langhorst
1676 Ithaca St
Chula Vista, CA USA

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageMuito interessante o seu projecto com os gatos abandonados, que foi o que me chamou logo a atenção.
Continue. Boa sorte com os seus projectos smilie

Locationclick picture for more information
Messagecongratulating,I have nothing to tell.
I wish you, good light smilie

NamePhilippe Sainte-Laudy
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageYour artistry always amazes and delights the eye as well as the spirit. Superb work!

Greetings from France

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageFrom the begining you was one of my favorit photographer and the touch you made in every peace of your arts,is just an amazing thing, I love your Gallery & You inspired me & So Thank you for sharing, Cause you are brightening the days of others with your art smilie.

Peace !

NameJos Kramer
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHello Jose,

each picture is a piece of art and it makes me jealous. Keep up the wonderfull work!
Greetings Jos Kramer

NameStephan Busch (FrozenMotion)
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageExcellent landscapes - very inspiring, makes me want to grab my camera and try harder! Keep up the superb work and best of luck for the future. smilie

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MessageHei Guilt-ridden klooper representing my english jer, buti notable keen re touched by .

NameJoão Franco
MessageSim senhor!! smilie

Gostei muito!


NameElizabeth Montanez
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI to came across your site accidentally and am thrilled it happened. I am a fan of landscape photography and feel your work is Phenominal and almost makes one feel like they are being transported to those places in the photographs. You are extremely talented. Through your eyes were are able to feel as though we've been to all those places in your pictures. God Bless you and may your career be long and prosperous.

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