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MessageHi Miep,

I think there is a webshop called popsicle wich specializes in scandinavian indie. It's run by a guy called Luke Jackson. I'm not sure if he runs it from Canada or UK nowadays though, google it. I think he has a myspace for the webshop aswell. Good Luck! I don't think anyone deserves such a horrible fate as living without the Eggstone cd's smilie

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MessageHey Eggstone! I just love your music, it's great! But... why is it so hard to buy your cd's? Can someone tell me where I can find a good website with all the Eggstone cd's?

love smilie

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Messageoh we love you guys so muchoo
we wish you'd make a plan tour to jakarta

smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie

Namebayu definisipop84
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Messageterima kasih,,,eggstone telah menjadi influence saya dalam bermusik,,
pappa,,,paapaa,,,,papaap,,,(brass lyrics... smilie

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MessageWhat a great surprise to find this page!!!
Eggstone made my university days more briliant and is still one of my favourite bands. I´ve never been in Sweden but i´m sure that in 2008 i will be visiting that fantastic country and i,ll look for any concert.
Cheers Eggstone and thank you for all those fantastic moments in my 30 years of life!!
(I'm sorry because my english is not very good)

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Messagesmilie Hej jag måste fråga om ni hämtat inspiration till era låtar/ljudbild från den amerikanska gruppen Orpheus exempel "I've never seen love like this" där produktion/ ljudbild påminner mycket om Eggstone.
skulle vara kul att höra om det är så då jag är ett strort fan av både Eggstone och Orpheus.

MessageNice shit Daniel, wish i was there

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MessageEggstone played a short set of own material tonight (27 sept.) at Mejeriet, Lund, Sweden. The songs were:

1) The Dog
2) April And May
3) My Trumpets

Do I have to say that it was absolutely marvellous? Well, as a matter of fact, it was like a short back-rub, every moment was oh so sweet and wonderful but at the same time a torment because you knew that it was to brief...

Eggstone stayed on stage to support a number of other musicians, such as Cecilia Nordlund (ex. Souls, Monkeystrikes) and Jakob Hellman, and that was good also, but it wasn´t the same. Oh, how I wished for the band to play some more of Eggstone-songs... Well, anyway, I´m glad I was there. At least it was perfect and mad-crazy good while it lasted.

/The guy in the red shirt

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MessageEggstone! På scen! I Lund! I kväll! Can´t wait...
smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie

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MessageHej, är det någon som har turen att ha fått tag på biljetter till eggstone (mfl) 2007.09.28 på mejeriet i Lund? Det var 10 år sedan jag såg eggstone live i emmaboda och det hade varit kul att få uppleva det igen. Om någon råkar ha några biljetter över hugger jag dem då det verkar vara slutsålt.


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